


Sebanyak 200 mL larutan AgNO 3 ​ 0,02M, masing masing dimasukkan ke dalam 5 wadah yang berisi 5 jenis larutan yang mengandung ion S 2 − , PO 4 3 + ​ , CrO 4 2 − ​ , Br − , dan SO 4 2 − ​ dengan volume dan molaritas yang sama. Jika harga Ksp dari Ag 2 ​ S = 2 × 1 0 − 49 Ag 3 ​ PO 4 ​ = 1 × 1 0 − 20 Ag 2 ​ CrO 4 ​ = 6 × 1 0 − 5 AgBr = 5 × 1 0 − 13 Ag 2 ​ SO 4 ​ = 3 × 1 0 − 5 Maka garam yang akan larut adalah….

Sebanyak 200 mL larutan  0,02M, masing masing dimasukkan ke dalam 5 wadah yang berisi 5 jenis larutan yang mengandung ion , , , , dan  dengan volume dan molaritas yang sama.

Jika harga Ksp dari


Maka garam yang akan larut adalah….

  1. undefined dan undefined

  2. undefined dan undefined

  3. undefined dan undefined

  4. undefined dan undefined 

  5. undefined dan undefined 


Q. 'Ainillana

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah C.

jawaban yang benar adalah C.



Untuk mengetahui senyawa yang mengendap, maka dibandingkan nilai dengan masing-masing. Mol Maka setelah dicampur dengan ion-ion dengan konsentrasi dan volume sama, Konsentrasi ion-ion: Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah C.

Untuk mengetahui senyawa yang mengendap, maka dibandingkan nilai undefined dengan undefined masing-masing.

Mol begin mathsize 14px style Ag N O subscript 3 double bond M cross times V equals 0 comma 02 cross times 200 equals 4 space mmol end style 

begin mathsize 14px style Ag N O subscript 3 equilibrium Ag to the power of plus sign and N O subscript 3 to the power of minus sign 4 space mmol space space 4 space mmol space space 4 space mmol end style 

Maka setelah dicampur dengan ion-ion dengan konsentrasi dan volume sama,

begin mathsize 14px style table attributes columnalign right center left columnspacing 0px end attributes row cell open square brackets Ag to the power of plus sign close square brackets end cell equals cell mol over V subscript camp end cell row blank equals cell fraction numerator 4 space mmol over denominator 400 space mL end fraction end cell row blank equals cell 0 comma 01 space M end cell end table end style 

Konsentrasi ion-ion:

begin mathsize 14px style table attributes columnalign right center left columnspacing 0px end attributes row cell open square brackets S to the power of 2 minus sign close square brackets end cell equals cell mol over V subscript camp end cell row blank equals cell fraction numerator M cross times V over denominator V subscript camp end fraction end cell row blank equals cell fraction numerator 0 comma 02 cross times 200 over denominator 400 end fraction end cell row blank equals cell 0 comma 01 space M end cell end table end style 

begin mathsize 14px style open square brackets S to the power of 2 minus sign close square brackets equals left square bracket P O subscript 4 to the power of 3 minus sign end exponent right square bracket equals left square bracket Cr O subscript 4 to the power of 2 minus sign end exponent right square bracket equals open square brackets Br to the power of minus sign close square brackets equals left square bracket S O subscript 4 to the power of 2 minus sign end exponent right square bracket equals 10 to the power of negative sign 2 end exponent end style 

begin mathsize 14px style table attributes columnalign right center left columnspacing 0px end attributes row cell Q subscript sp space Ag subscript 2 S end cell equals cell left square bracket 2 Ag to the power of plus sign right square bracket squared open square brackets S to the power of 2 minus sign close square brackets end cell row blank equals cell left parenthesis 10 to the power of negative sign 2 end exponent right parenthesis squared left parenthesis 10 to the power of negative sign 2 end exponent right parenthesis end cell row blank equals cell 10 to the power of negative sign 6 end exponent end cell row cell K subscript sp space end subscript Ag subscript 2 S end cell equals cell 2 cross times 10 to the power of negative sign 49 end exponent end cell row cell Q subscript sp end cell greater than cell K subscript sp space end subscript open parentheses mengendap close parentheses end cell end table end style 

begin mathsize 14px style table attributes columnalign right center left columnspacing 0px end attributes row cell Q subscript sp space Ag subscript 3 P O subscript 4 end cell equals cell left square bracket 3 Ag to the power of plus sign right square bracket cubed left square bracket P O subscript 4 to the power of 3 minus sign end exponent right square bracket end cell row blank equals cell left parenthesis 10 to the power of negative sign 2 end exponent right parenthesis cubed left parenthesis 10 to the power of negative sign 2 end exponent right parenthesis end cell row blank equals cell 10 to the power of negative sign 8 end exponent end cell row cell K subscript sp space end subscript Ag subscript 3 P O subscript 4 end cell equals cell 1 cross times 10 to the power of negative sign 20 end exponent end cell row cell Q subscript sp end cell greater than cell K subscript sp space end subscript open parentheses mengendap close parentheses end cell end table end style  

begin mathsize 14px style table attributes columnalign right center left columnspacing 0px end attributes row cell Q subscript sp space Ag subscript 2 Cr O subscript 4 end cell equals cell left square bracket 2 Ag to the power of plus sign right square bracket squared left square bracket Cr O subscript 4 to the power of negative sign 2 end exponent right square bracket end cell row blank equals cell left parenthesis 10 to the power of negative sign 2 end exponent right parenthesis squared left parenthesis 10 to the power of negative sign 2 end exponent right parenthesis end cell row blank equals cell 10 to the power of negative sign 6 end exponent end cell row cell K subscript sp space end subscript Ag subscript 2 Cr O subscript 4 end cell equals cell 6 cross times 10 to the power of negative sign 5 end exponent end cell row cell Q subscript sp end cell less than cell K subscript sp space end subscript left parenthesis larut forward slash belum space mengendap right parenthesis end cell end table end style  

begin mathsize 14px style table attributes columnalign right center left columnspacing 0px end attributes row cell Q subscript sp space Ag Br end cell equals cell open square brackets Ag to the power of plus sign close square brackets open square brackets Br to the power of minus sign close square brackets end cell row blank equals cell left parenthesis 10 to the power of negative sign 2 end exponent right parenthesis left parenthesis 10 to the power of negative sign 2 end exponent right parenthesis end cell row blank equals cell 10 to the power of negative sign 4 end exponent end cell row cell K subscript sp space end subscript Ag Br end cell equals cell 5 cross times 10 to the power of negative sign 13 end exponent end cell row cell Q subscript sp end cell greater than cell K subscript sp space end subscript open parentheses mengendap close parentheses end cell end table end style 

begin mathsize 14px style table attributes columnalign right center left columnspacing 0px end attributes row cell Q subscript sp space Ag subscript 2 S O subscript 4 end cell equals cell left square bracket 2 Ag to the power of plus sign right square bracket squared left square bracket S O subscript 4 to the power of negative sign 2 end exponent right square bracket end cell row blank equals cell left parenthesis 10 to the power of negative sign 2 end exponent right parenthesis squared left parenthesis 10 to the power of negative sign 2 end exponent right parenthesis end cell row blank equals cell 10 to the power of negative sign 6 end exponent end cell row cell K subscript sp space end subscript Ag subscript 2 S O subscript 4 end cell equals cell 3 cross times 10 to the power of negative sign 5 end exponent end cell row cell Q subscript sp end cell less than cell K subscript sp space end subscript left parenthesis larut forward slash belum space mengendap right parenthesis end cell end table end style  

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah C.

Perdalam pemahamanmu bersama Master Teacher
di sesi Live Teaching, GRATIS!


Farell Aldrich

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Amanda Anindya

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Pertanyaan serupa

AgCl dan AgI keduanya merupakan garam yang sukar larut, tetapi berdasarkan nilai K s p ​ kedua garam, kelarutan AgI jauh lebih rendah daripada kelarutan AgCl .Dengan menganggap bahwa larutan mengandun...



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