


1. Read these texts carefully, and then compare the texts by completing the table! 


A. Mulyanto

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni IKIP PGRI Semarang

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawabannya adalah text 1: The baby cow was helped by the recuers, and text2: The writer caught a tree branch and climbed the branch.

jawabannya adalah text 1: The baby cow was helped by the recuers, and text 2: The writer caught a tree branch and climbed the branch. 



Dalam soalini kita harus menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan Teks 1 dan 2. Untuk soal ini berarti "Bagaimana tokoh selamat dari kecelakaan" Untuk menjawabnya bisa dilihat pada kalimat ini untuk teks 1 "A hero suddenly rushed to help, but he couldn't pull her, Thankfully, another rescuer came to help. And finally, she was safe." Untuk teks 2 "Luckily I got caught in a tree branch that crossed on the river's surface. I climbed the branch and everything was fine." Jadi, teks 1 The baby cow was helped by the recuers. Teks 2 The writer caught a tree branch and climbed the branch. Oleh karena itu, jawabannya adalah text 1: The baby cow was helped by the recuers, and text2: The writer caught a tree branch and climbed the branch.

Dalam soal ini kita harus menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan Teks 1 dan 2. Untuk soal ini berarti "Bagaimana tokoh selamat dari kecelakaan" Untuk menjawabnya bisa dilihat pada kalimat ini untuk teks 1 "A hero suddenly rushed to help, but he couldn't pull her, Thankfully, another rescuer came to help. And finally, she was safe." Untuk teks 2 "Luckily I got caught in a tree branch that crossed on the river's surface. I climbed the branch and everything was fine." Jadi, teks 1  The baby cow was helped by the recuers.  Teks 2 The writer caught a tree branch and climbed the branch. 

Oleh karena itu, jawabannya adalah text 1: The baby cow was helped by the recuers, and text 2: The writer caught a tree branch and climbed the branch. 

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Pertanyaan serupa

What tense(s) is used in the text?



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