


    My favourite sport is marathon running. There is a small town in Greece called Marathon, and the race is called marathon because of a Greek legend. A Greek messenger ran all the way from the battlefield of Marathon to Athens to announce victory. He did it without stopping, but died on arrival! Now there are about 500 marathon races worldwide.

    I ran in my first marathon in 2011, and it was fantastic. I trained for four months for the race. Sometimes it was hard, but usually I enjoyed it. There were five thousand runners in my race, and I was one of the last ones to arrive -- it took me seven hours and twelve minutes! But that isn't important. I enjoyed it and felt proud that I finished 42.195 kilometres. Yes, that's how far we ran. Now I'm training for my next marathon. If I'm fit enough, I'll take part in the London Marathon next year.

The text tells us about ____

The text tells us about ____

  1. the background to the marathon race and the writer's own experience.

  2. the history of the marathon race and the kind of people who run in it today.

  3. the background to the Battle of Marathon and the reasons for victory.

  4. details of the writer's training plan for the London Marathon next year.

  5. details of my training plan for the London Marathon next year.


S. Sumiati

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

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Paragraf pertama pada teks di atas menceritakan asal mula lari marathon, kemudian pada paragraf kedua diceritakan tentang pengalaman pribadi penulis ketika mengikuti balap lari marathon. Jadi, jawaban untuk soal ini adalah pilihan A.

Paragraf pertama pada teks di atas menceritakan asal mula lari marathon, kemudian pada paragraf kedua diceritakan tentang pengalaman pribadi penulis ketika mengikuti balap lari marathon.

Jadi, jawaban untuk soal ini adalah pilihan A.

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