


When the typewriter was first invented. Its keys were arranged alphabetically. This made the keys easy to find. However, this arrangement also caused the bars of the machine to jam, or get stuck. To solve this problem, a new letter arrangement was introduced by Christopher Latham Scholes in 1872. His system, the standard keyboard system, is still used on typewriters today. He arranged the letters in such a way that as many bars as possible hit the inked ribbon from opposite directions. This resulted in far less jamming than had occurred with the alphabetical models. (quoted from: Longman Introductory Course, 2014) Improvement to the original system of the typewriter was made by Scholes in ...

When the typewriter was first invented. Its keys were arranged alphabetically. This made the keys easy to find. However, this arrangement also caused the bars of the machine to jam, or get stuck.

To solve this problem, a new letter arrangement was introduced by Christopher Latham Scholes in 1872. His system, the standard keyboard system, is still used on typewriters today. He arranged the letters in such a way that as many bars as possible hit the inked ribbon from opposite directions. This resulted in far less jamming than had occurred with the alphabetical models.

(quoted from: Longman Introductory Course, 2014)


Improvement to the original system of the typewriter was made by Scholes in ...

  1. the quality of the keyboard

  2. the arrangement of the letters

  3. the bars that hit the ribbon

  4. the ribbon that carries the ink

  5. the standard keyboard system 


T. Tuawapat

Master Teacher

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B e r d a s a r k a n space k a l i m a t space “ space horizontal ellipsis space a space n e w space l e t t e r space a r r a n g e m e n t space w a s space i n t r o d u c e d space b y space C h r i s t o p h e r space L a t h a m space S c h o l e s space i n space 1872. ” comma space  d a p a t space d i k e t a h u i space b a h w a space s u s u n a n space h u r u f space b a r u space d i p e r k e n a l k a n space o l e h space C h r i s t o p h e r space L a t h a m space S c h o l e s space p a d a space 1872 comma space  s e h i n g g a space p i l i h a n space j a w a b a n space y a n g space t e p a t space a d a l a h space left parenthesis t h e italic space a r r a n g e m e n t italic space o f italic space t h e italic space l e t t e r s right parenthesis.

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