


Read the following text and answer the question!

    Here is my unforgettable experience. One day I joined a story telling contest. Two of my friends and I had been chosen to take a part in the final round at the district level. I was very happy and eager to win the competition.

    For preparation, I had to memorize and understand story well. My teacher guided and taught me pronunciation, facial expression and gestures. One day, before performing, my friends and I were busy to prepare the props and costumes and luxurious props. Although I just wore the simple ones.

    The competition started. I got number 29 and my friends got number 5 and 10. I was nervous but I showed my best performance on stage. Lots of people took photos and videos of me. Finally, anxiety was gone after I had finished performing. Then, the announcement come which made three of us very uneasy. Luckily I was chosen as the first winner. I went to the stage and all the judges congratulated me and gave a plague, trophy, and money. I was very happy.

Why did the writer feel sad before the competition?

Why did the writer feel sad before the competition?


D. Yaniar

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah " What made the writer sad before the competition was she felt nervous and got anxiety. Even her anxiety was just gone after she had finished performing. " yang artinya "apa yangmembuatpenulis merasa sedih sebelum kompetisi adalah dia khawatir dan cemas. Bahkan kecemasannya baru hilang setelah tampil."

jawaban yang tepat adalah "What made the writer sad before the competition was she felt nervous and got anxiety. Even her anxiety was just gone after she had finished performing." yang artinya "apa yang membuat penulis merasa sedih sebelum kompetisi adalah dia khawatir dan cemas. Bahkan kecemasannya baru hilang setelah tampil."



Mengapa sang penulis merasa sedih sebelum kompetisi? Dalam teks di atas tidak dijelaskan secara spesifik alasan mengapa sang penulis sedih sebelum dia tampil. Namun, untuk menjawab soal ini, kita dapat melihat paragraf ketiga pada kalimat " I got number 29 and my friends got number 5 and 10 . I was nervous but I showed my best performance on stage. ... Finally, anxiety was gone after I had finished performing . " Penulis menjelaskan bahwa dia mendapatkan urutan nomor 29 dibandingkan dengan kedua temannya yang akan tampil lebih dulu. Penulis khawatir dan bahkan merasa cemas ( anxiety ) sebelum tampil. Kecemasannya baru hilang setelah penulis selesai tampil. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah " What made the writer sad before the competition was she felt nervous and got anxiety. Even her anxiety was just gone after she had finished performing. " yang artinya "apa yangmembuatpenulis merasa sedih sebelum kompetisi adalah dia khawatir dan cemas. Bahkan kecemasannya baru hilang setelah tampil."

Mengapa sang penulis merasa sedih sebelum kompetisi?

Dalam teks di atas tidak dijelaskan secara spesifik alasan mengapa sang penulis sedih sebelum dia tampil.

Namun, untuk menjawab soal ini, kita dapat melihat paragraf ketiga pada kalimat "I got number 29 and my friends got number 5 and 10. I was nervous but I showed my best performance on stage. ... Finally, anxiety was gone after I had finished performing." Penulis menjelaskan bahwa dia mendapatkan urutan nomor 29 dibandingkan dengan kedua temannya yang akan tampil lebih dulu. Penulis khawatir dan bahkan merasa cemas (anxiety) sebelum tampil. Kecemasannya baru hilang setelah penulis selesai tampil.

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah "What made the writer sad before the competition was she felt nervous and got anxiety. Even her anxiety was just gone after she had finished performing." yang artinya "apa yang membuat penulis merasa sedih sebelum kompetisi adalah dia khawatir dan cemas. Bahkan kecemasannya baru hilang setelah tampil."

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