


The following text is for questions 66 to 70.

Princess Laiamon and Crocodile
(A Folktale from Kalimantan)

    Once upon a time, there was a girl named Laiamon. She was the daughter of a Dayak chief. One morning, she was taking a bath in a river. While she was swimming in the river, suddenly, a crocodile caught her leg.

    Laiamon was surprised and cried, “Oh, please don’t eat me!” The crocodile laughed, “I won’t let you go. I will eat you!”

    Laiamon was a smart girl. She quickly said, “My father is a chief. He is rich and he can grant your wish if you sent me free.” “Is that right?” asked the crocodile. “Yes.” “OK,” said the crocodile. “Tell your father to give me a baby to eat every day.” 

    Then Laiamon was set free and quickly went home. She told her father everything. Her father gathered his people and discussed what the crocodile had asked.

    Tomorrow morning, the chief and the villagers went to the river bank. They brought a pig and wanted to give it to the crocodile. 

    “The crocodile asked, “Do you bring what I want?” 

    “We can only give you a pig this time,” said the chief. “There are no babies in our village now.”


    “No, I’m not. Later, we will bring a baby to you if there is one in the village.”

    “Are you sure?”

    “Sure! Answered the chief convincingly. 

    “Okay, then. Give it to me.” 

    The chief and his people threw the pig and the crocodile quickly ate it up. He was delighted for the pig tasted delicious. However, not long after that, the crocodile’s stomach ached. He felt very ill. Soon, it died.

    Laiamon was surprised, “Father, what did you do to the crocodile?” 

    Her father answered calmly, “We put poison inside the pig’s belly. The crocodile has harmed and killed many people. He deserved it.” Then he turned to his daughter, “You are so brave. I am proud of you, Laiamon. Remember my daughter, you can beat evil things with bravery.”undefined 

From the text, we know that Laiamon was a girl.

From the text, we know that Laiamon was a      girl. 

  1. shy

  2. brave

  3. nasty

  4. clumsyundefined 


D. Enty

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi




Teks di atas berkisah tentang seorang Putri dari Pemimpin Dayak, Laiamon. Suatu hari, ketika Laiamon sedang berenang di sungai, kakinya digigit seekor buaya. Laiamon memohon kepada buaya tersebut untuk melepaskannya namun sang buaya pun menolak permohonannya. Laiamon, gadis yang pintar, segera berteriak, "Ayahku adalah seseorang yang kaya! Dia bisa memberimu apa saja jika kau melepaskanku!" Pernyataan Laiamon tersebut akhirnya bisa meluluhkan hati buaya dan akhirnya Laiamon pun terbebas dari gigitannya. Sesampainya di rumah, Laiamon menceritakan semua kejadian yang ia alami kepada Ayahnya. Sang Ayah pun merasa bangga akan keberanian Laiamon menghadapi buaya tersebut untuk berusaha membebaskan dirinya sendiri. Dari penjelasan di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa opsi yang paling tepat adalah B .

Teks di atas berkisah tentang seorang Putri dari Pemimpin Dayak, Laiamon. Suatu hari, ketika Laiamon sedang berenang di sungai, kakinya digigit seekor buaya. Laiamon memohon kepada buaya tersebut untuk melepaskannya namun sang buaya pun menolak permohonannya. Laiamon, gadis yang pintar, segera berteriak, "Ayahku adalah seseorang yang kaya! Dia bisa memberimu apa saja jika kau melepaskanku!" Pernyataan Laiamon tersebut akhirnya bisa meluluhkan hati buaya dan akhirnya Laiamon pun terbebas dari gigitannya. 

Sesampainya di rumah, Laiamon menceritakan semua kejadian yang ia alami kepada Ayahnya. Sang Ayah pun merasa bangga akan keberanian Laiamon menghadapi buaya tersebut untuk berusaha membebaskan dirinya sendiri. 

Dari penjelasan di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa opsi yang paling tepat adalah Bundefined 

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How did the farmer treat his grandfather?



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