
Choose A, B, C, D, or E for the correct answer.

    The city was besieged by the British Army, but I had to go out to. the next town to my grandparents to take the cure for my sick brother. My grandma was very good at making medicinal herbs. People said that the British Army would not let us go out of Surabaya. However, my best friend Lunyu said we could sneak out by avoiding main roads.

    We left our home in the afternoon. To avoid the British army, we took an alternative route. We went through some villages. Finally./in the evening, we arrived in a village located near a wood. The villagers offered us their home for us to sleep during the night and suggested continuing our trip in the next morning. But refused the offer kindly. I had to get the cure as soon as possible. So, we thanked them and continued our trip.

    The alternative road went into the wood. I was scared because it looked already dark. Suddenly we saw two moving red lights. My heart beat faster. I stopped and did·not dare to move. The lights were moving toward us. "Tiger. Tiger's eyes," I thought. I wanted to run but I couldn't move my legs. I closed my eyes. My body was trembling. I prayed and I prayed. Suddenly, I heard Lunyu's voice. "Kitty ... Kitty ... come here Kitty." I opened my eyes. There I saw Lunyu holding a black cat.

    I felt relieved; but I did not have more courage to walk through the dark wood anymore. We had been successful in avoiding the British Army, but ·I did not want to meet a real tiger in the forest. So, we decided to stay overnight in the previous village and continued our trip tomorrow morning.

Adopted from: Utami Widiati, Zuliati Rohmah, dan Furaidah, Bahasa lnggris untuk SMA/MA/SMKIMAK Kelas X Edisi Revisi Cetakan Ke-3, Jakarta, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2017.

"However, my best friend Lunyu said we could sneak out by avoiding main roads." (Paragraph 1) What does the word 'sneak out' mean?

"However, my best friend Lunyu said we could sneak out by avoiding main roads." (Paragraph 1)

What does the word 'sneak out' mean?

  1. Pick up.

  2. Run out.

  3. Allow.

  4. Hide.

  5. Creep.

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jawaban yang tepat adalah E.

 jawaban yang tepat adalah E.


Pertanyaan ini meminta kita untuk mencari arti ' sneak out '. Dalam bahasa Indonesia, frasa ini berarti mengendap-endap . Untuk menemukan arti yang tepat, kita harus mengetahui arti masing-masing kata/frasayang ada dalam pilihan jawaban. Arti dari kata/frasa yang ada dalam pilihan jawaban adalah sebagai berikut: pick up = menjemput run out = kehabisan allow = mengizinkan hide = bersembunyi creep = menyelinap Kata dengan arti yang serupa dengan sneak out adalah creep . Oleh karena itu,jawaban yang tepat adalah E.

Pertanyaan ini meminta kita untuk mencari arti 'sneak out'. Dalam bahasa Indonesia, frasa ini berarti mengendap-endap. Untuk menemukan arti yang tepat, kita harus mengetahui arti masing-masing kata/frasa yang ada dalam pilihan jawaban. Arti dari kata/frasa yang ada dalam pilihan jawaban adalah sebagai berikut:

  • pick up = menjemput
  • run out = kehabisan
  • allow = mengizinkan
  • hide = bersembunyi
  • creep = menyelinap

Kata dengan arti yang serupa dengan sneak out adalah creep.

Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang tepat adalah E.

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Pertanyaan serupa

Where the writer flew from?



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