


Dear Kiki, Jakarta, September 29, 2013 Last holiday, my brother and I visited our grandparents in Bandar Lampung. There are many tourist destinations, such as museum, shores, water park, zoo, and Way Kambas. During our visit, we decided to go to Way Kambas, the Elephant Training Centre. We wanted to watch the huge animals playing football Way Kambas is situated in East Lampung, about 110 km from Bandar Lampung, the capital city of Lampung. It took 3 hours for us to reach Way Kambas from our grandparents' home. We left early in the morning at 6.am. by car. It would take longer to go there by motorcycle or bus. We were lucky to visit the place on the weekend because the elephant football show is only held on weekends. The show was great. It was amazing to see such big animals running and kicking the ball. The ball was larger than the one used in regular football. After that, we watched other attractions. My brother had a ride on the big animals, but I didn't. I was too nervous to do it. At 4 p.m., we returned to Bandar Lampung. We were very tired but impressed. It was really an interesting experience for us. I hope you can visit it too in the future. By the way, how was your holiday? Yours, Miranty What does the text tell us about?

Dear Kiki,                                                                                                                                 Jakarta, September 29, 2013


Last holiday, my brother and I visited our grandparents in Bandar Lampung. There are many tourist destinations, such as museum, shores, water park, zoo, and Way Kambas. During our visit, we decided to go to Way Kambas, the Elephant Training Centre. We wanted to watch the huge animals playing football

Way Kambas is situated in East Lampung, about 110 km from Bandar Lampung, the capital city of Lampung. It took 3 hours for us to reach Way Kambas from our grandparents' home. We left early in the morning at 6.am. by car. It would take longer to go there by motorcycle or bus.

We were lucky to visit the place on the weekend because the elephant football show is only held on weekends. The show was great. It was amazing to see such big animals running and kicking the ball. The ball was larger than the one used in regular football. After that, we watched other attractions. My brother had a ride on the big animals, but I didn't. I was too nervous to do it.

At 4 p.m., we returned to Bandar Lampung. We were very tired but impressed. It was really an interesting experience for us. I hope you can visit it too in the future. By the way, how was your holiday?




What does the text tell us about?

  1. riding a huge animal

  2. Miranty's holiday experience

  3. Tourist destination in Lampung

  4. Watching elephant's attraction


N. Supriyaningsih

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi



Teks di atas berisikan tentang pengalaman liburan Miranty, dapat dilihat di paragraf 1 kalimat 1, "Last holiday, my brother and I visited our grandparents in Bandar Lampung.", menunjukkan bahwa Miranty akan menceritakan pengalamannya selama liburan. Maka jawaban B adalah jawaban yang tepat.

Teks di atas berisikan tentang pengalaman liburan Miranty, dapat dilihat di paragraf 1 kalimat 1, "Last holiday, my brother and I visited our grandparents in Bandar Lampung.", menunjukkan bahwa Miranty akan menceritakan pengalamannya selama liburan. Maka jawaban B adalah jawaban yang tepat.

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