


Read this following text and answer the question.

Computer and Internet are useful as well as powerful. Information about health and safe usage of computer and internet, especially for children, should be owned by each family. Computer connected to interneti is powerful way to socialize with others. It can be good but also bad effect. Recently we hear a lot of children get the advantages of social networking sites but we often see the news about the disadvantages of it for children. Healthy and safety of computer and internet usage should continue to be campaigned.

What should be known by the parents when they have computer and internet in their home?

What should be known by the parents when they have computer and internet in their home?

  1. Parents should be known about the branded

  2. Parents should be known about pulse of the internet

  3. Parents should know about the health and safe usage of computer and internet

  4. Parents should know how to use the internet

  5. Parents should know about the social network so they can googling and chat a lot. 


N. Puspita

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi




Soal di atas menanyakan apa yang perlu diketahui oleh para orang tua ketika mereka memiliki komputer dan internet di rumah. Dari wacana dapat kita ketahui bahwa para orang tua harusmengetahui tentang kesehatan dan keamanan penggunaan komputer dan internet atau parents should know about the health and safe usage of computer and internet . Dengan demikian, jawaban yang benar adalah C.

Soal di atas menanyakan apa yang perlu diketahui oleh para orang tua ketika mereka memiliki komputer dan internet di rumah. 

Dari wacana dapat kita ketahui bahwa para orang tua harus mengetahui tentang kesehatan dan keamanan penggunaan komputer dan internet atau parents should know about the health and safe usage of computer and internet

Dengan demikian, jawaban yang benar adalah C.


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