


    Long, long ago, in a mountain called Mt. Ashigara, there lived a young boy called Kintaro (Golden Boy) and his mother. His father had been a samurai, a warrior in the Capital, but he was caught and killed in a battle. His mother, who tan away from the enemy, brought Kintaro into the deep mountain. The two hid and lived in a cave.

    Soon Kintaro grew up to a high spirit lad. Every day he played sumo wrestling with many animals living in the mountain. He gave foods to the animals. He was very popular among them. Looking at her son, his mother prayed for God, "May he be a brave samurail"

    Several years had passed, and spring came. One day, he went on a expedition to the next mountain with animals. He was accompanied by the animals. They really enjoyed the expedition. Reaching a cliff, they found a wide river flowing at a great speed below them. Kintaro then pushed a big tree to make a bridge. To their surprise, the tree leaned and fell down between two cliffs with a big noise. Everyone jumped with joy. Then, somebody spoke to them from behind.

    "What a powerful boy you are!" He was a samurai and his followers standing. He met Kintaro and asked him to be his follower. Then, Kintaro returned to the cave where his mother lived and said to her that he would be one of the brave samurais in Japan like his father. Tears of joy ran down her face, though it was sad to part with him.

    When he left the mountain, the animals as well as his mother saw him off with tears. He said goodbye to his mother and his friends.

    A few years later, he became an excellent samurai named Sakata no Kintoki. In the Capital, he was chosen one of the famous four trusted followers of his master and got rid of ogres. Then, he invited his mother in the Capital and lived together happily ever after. space space space space

What does the text belong to?

What does the text belong to? space space

  1. Procedurespace space

  2. Narrative space space

  3. Recount formatspace space space

  4. Biography space space

  5. News itemspace space

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D. Danti

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah B.

jawaban yang tepat adalah B.space space space space


Tugas kita soal ini adalah menentukan termasuk ke dalam jenis apakah teks di atas. Secara keseluruhan teks tersebut menceritakan tentang kisah fiksi tentang Kintaro pada jaman dahulu kala. Cerita di atas diceritakan dalam pola Simple Past Tense . Berdasarkan ciri-ciri tersebut maka teks di atas tergolong ke dalam teks naratif. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah B.

Tugas kita soal ini adalah menentukan termasuk ke dalam jenis apakah teks di atas. Secara keseluruhan teks tersebut menceritakan tentang kisah fiksi tentang Kintaro pada jaman dahulu kala. Cerita di atas diceritakan dalam pola Simple Past Tense. Berdasarkan ciri-ciri tersebut maka teks di atas tergolong ke dalam teks naratif.

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah B.space space space space

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Pertanyaan serupa

What type of the text is used by the writer?



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