

The question is based on the text. My uncle has a nice house. It is a minimalist Mediterranean house. It is located in the suburbs of London near my family farm. It has a large flower front yard. There are pink and white petunias flower beds around the maple trees. The colorful flowering shrubs are designed in front of the gate on both right and left side, welcoming the people while entering the gate. In the backyard, there is a grape garden. People are allowed to pick the grapes using the available equipment. There are also some sports facilities. People can swim, practice gymnastics, play tennis, and bowling in the sports area. These areas are large and enough for about ten people. The house is built of stone walls and tiled roof with large arched doors and windows. The marvelous thing is that it’s an earthquake resistant building. All buildings in this house are reinforced by great quality earthquake proof materials which add strength to the building. If an earthquake hits this house, it won’t be destroyed because it’s built of a strong and well packed base. The word “ it ” in the last paragraph refers to ….

The question is based on the text.

    My uncle has a nice house. It is a minimalist Mediterranean house. It is located in the suburbs of London near my family farm. 

    It has a large flower front yard. There are pink and white petunias flower beds around the maple trees. The colorful flowering shrubs are designed in front of the gate on both right and left side, welcoming the people while entering the gate. In the backyard, there is a grape garden. People are allowed to pick the grapes using the available equipment. 

    There are also some sports facilities. People can swim, practice gymnastics, play tennis, and bowling in the sports area. These areas are large and enough for about ten people. 

    The house is built of stone walls and tiled roof with large arched doors and windows. The marvelous thing is that it’s an earthquake resistant building. All buildings in this house are reinforced by great quality earthquake proof materials which add strength to the building. If an earthquake hits this house, it won’t be destroyed because it’s built of a strong and well packed base.

The word “it” in the last paragraph refers to ….

  1. an earthquake

  2. the Mediterranean house

  3. the strength of building

  4. the house base

  5. a good quality building

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R. Tri

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah B

jawaban yang tepat adalah B


Soal menanyakan kata benda yang menjadi rujukan it dalam teks. Arti kalimat terakhir adalah “Jika gempa bumi menghantam rumah ini, ini tidak akan hancur karena dibangun dari dasar yang kuat dan tertata dengan baik.” Berdasarkan kalimat tersebut, yang dibangun dengan dasar yang kuat adalah rumah nya sehingga tidak hancur saat terkena gempa. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah B

Soal menanyakan kata benda yang menjadi rujukan it dalam teks.

Arti kalimat terakhir adalah “Jika gempa bumi menghantam rumah ini, ini tidak akan hancur karena dibangun dari dasar yang kuat dan tertata dengan baik.” Berdasarkan kalimat tersebut, yang dibangun dengan dasar yang kuat adalah rumahnya sehingga tidak hancur saat terkena gempa.

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah B

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