


The question is based on the text. Rome is one of the most popular cities in Europe because of its history, art, architecture, and beauty. Rome is called the Eternal City because, despite its age, it keeps growing. Its size, power, splendor and influence over the world kept growing. Rome brims with ancient history, from the Colosseum to the Pantheon to majestic Vatican City and the fountains. Becoming the most populated city in Italy, there are many tourist attractions in Rome. As the Eiffel Tower is to Paris, the silhouette of the Colosseum is to Rome. It was used as an entertainment venue, hosting gladiator fights, animal hunts, and even mock naval battles. The Pantheon is one of the best-preserved monuments of ancient Rome. It was a temple dedicated to all gods. Vatican City, the smallest independent state in the world, is located in the heart of Rome. You can just simply walk in the street in Rome and end up in the Vatican. There you can find the breathtaking Sistine Chapel which is renowned for its Renaissance art, especially the ceiling painted by Michelangelo. There are more than 2000 fountains in Rome. Most of the fountains are small fountains, known as nasone , Italian for big nose, providing free drinking water to people. Rome’s largest and most beautiful fountain is Trevi Fountain. Throwing a coin into it is a tradition that is supposed to assure your return to Rome. What does the word " it " in the second paragraph refer to?

The question is based on the text.

    Rome is one of the most popular cities in Europe because of its history, art, architecture, and beauty. Rome is called the Eternal City because, despite its age, it keeps growing. Its size, power, splendor and influence over the world kept growing. Rome brims with ancient history, from the Colosseum to the Pantheon to majestic Vatican City and the fountains.

    Becoming the most populated city in Italy, there are many tourist attractions in Rome. As the Eiffel Tower is to Paris, the silhouette of the Colosseum is to Rome. It was used as an entertainment venue, hosting gladiator fights, animal hunts, and even mock naval battles. The Pantheon is one of the best-preserved monuments of ancient Rome. It was a temple dedicated to all gods.

    Vatican City, the smallest independent state in the world, is located in the heart of Rome. You can just simply walk in the street in Rome and end up in the Vatican. There you can find the breathtaking Sistine Chapel which is renowned for its Renaissance art, especially the ceiling painted by Michelangelo.

    There are more than 2000 fountains in Rome. Most of the fountains are small fountains, known as nasone, Italian for big nose, providing free drinking water to people. Rome’s largest and most beautiful fountain is Trevi Fountain. Throwing a coin into it is a tradition that is supposed to assure your return to Rome.

What does the word "it" in the second paragraph refer to?

  1. Paris

  2. Rome

  3. The silhouette 

  4. The Colosseum

  5.  The Eiffel Tower


T. Teaching.Assistant.Qori

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah D.

jawaban yang tepat adalah D.



Soal menanyakan kata benda yang menjadi rujukan kata ganti it . Untuk menjawabnya, perhatikan kalimat sebelumnya. Arti kalimat sebelumnya adalah “Seperti menara Eiffel di Paris, begitulah bayangan Colosseum terhadap Roma.” Kemudian, kalimat yang memiliki kata it tersebut artinya, “Ini digunakan sebagai tempat hiburan, sebagai tuan rumah pertarungan gladiator, perburuan hewan, dan bahkan pertempuran laut tiruan.” Karena yang dibahas dalam teks adalah tempat-tempat yang menjadi daya tarik di Roma, maka kata it merujuk kepada Colosseum. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah D.

Soal menanyakan kata benda yang menjadi rujukan kata ganti it. Untuk menjawabnya, perhatikan kalimat sebelumnya.

Arti kalimat sebelumnya adalah “Seperti menara Eiffel di Paris, begitulah bayangan Colosseum terhadap Roma.” Kemudian, kalimat yang memiliki kata it tersebut artinya, “Ini digunakan sebagai tempat hiburan, sebagai tuan rumah pertarungan gladiator, perburuan hewan, dan bahkan pertempuran laut tiruan.” Karena yang dibahas dalam teks adalah tempat-tempat yang menjadi daya tarik di Roma, maka kata it merujuk kepada Colosseum.

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah D.

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