


Sebuah benda berada pada jarak 16 cm di depan lensa positifJarak fokus lensa untuk sinar merah 12 cm dengan indeks bias untuk warna merah n m ​ = 1 , 74 dan untuk warna ungu n u ​ = 1 , 81 . Tentukanlah jarak antara bayangan merah dan bayangan ungu yang terjadi!

Sebuah benda berada pada jarak  di depan lensa positif Jarak fokus lensa untuk sinar merah   dengan indeks bias untuk warna merah  dan untuk warna ungu. Tentukanlah jarak antara bayangan merah dan bayangan ungu yang terjadi!


Y. Maghfirah

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi



Jarak bayangan sinar merah: Panjang fokus sinar ungu: Jarak bayangan sinar ungu: Jarak antara bayangan merah dan bayangan ungu: Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah A

Jarak bayangan sinar merah:

begin mathsize 14px style 1 over f subscript m equals 1 over s plus 1 over s subscript m to the power of apostrophe 1 over 12 equals 1 over 16 plus 1 over s subscript m to the power of apostrophe 1 over s subscript m to the power of apostrophe equals 1 over 12 minus 1 over 16 1 over s subscript m to the power of apostrophe equals fraction numerator 4 minus 3 over denominator 48 end fraction s subscript m to the power of apostrophe equals 48 space cm end style 


Panjang fokus sinar ungu:

size 14px 1 over size 14px f subscript size 14px m size 14px equals size 14px left parenthesis size 14px n subscript size 14px m over size 14px n subscript size 14px u size 14px minus size 14px 1 size 14px right parenthesis size 14px left parenthesis size 14px 1 over size 14px R subscript size 14px 1 size 14px plus size 14px 1 over size 14px R subscript size 14px 2 size 14px right parenthesis size 14px 1 over size 14px 12 size 14px equals size 14px left parenthesis fraction numerator size 14px 1 size 14px comma size 14px 74 over denominator size 14px 1 end fraction size 14px minus size 14px 1 size 14px right parenthesis size 14px left parenthesis size 14px 1 over size 14px R subscript size 14px 1 size 14px plus size 14px 1 over size 14px R subscript size 14px 2 size 14px right parenthesis size 14px 1 over size 14px 12 size 14px equals size 14px left parenthesis size 14px 0 size 14px comma size 14px 74 size 14px right parenthesis size 14px left parenthesis size 14px 1 over size 14px R subscript size 14px 1 size 14px plus size 14px 1 over size 14px R subscript size 14px 2 size 14px right parenthesis size 14px left parenthesis size 14px 1 over size 14px R subscript size 14px 1 size 14px plus size 14px 1 over size 14px R subscript size 14px 2 size 14px right parenthesis size 14px equals size 14px 1 over size 14px 12 size 14px cross times fraction numerator size 14px 1 over denominator size 14px 0 size 14px comma size 14px 74 end fraction size 14px left parenthesis size 14px 1 over size 14px R subscript size 14px 1 size 14px plus size 14px 1 over size 14px R subscript size 14px 2 size 14px right parenthesis size 14px equals fraction numerator size 14px 1 over denominator size 14px 8 size 14px comma size 14px 88 end fraction  

begin mathsize 14px style 1 over f subscript u equals left parenthesis n subscript u over n subscript u d end subscript minus 1 right parenthesis left parenthesis 1 over R subscript 1 plus 1 over R subscript 2 right parenthesis 1 over f subscript u equals left parenthesis fraction numerator 1 comma 81 over denominator 1 end fraction minus 1 right parenthesis fraction numerator 1 over denominator 8 comma 88 end fraction 1 over f subscript u equals left parenthesis 0 comma 81 right parenthesis fraction numerator 1 over denominator 8 comma 88 end fraction 1 over f subscript u equals fraction numerator 0 comma 81 over denominator 8 comma 88 end fraction f subscript u equals 10 comma 96 space cm end style  


Jarak bayangan sinar ungu:

begin mathsize 14px style 1 over f subscript u equals 1 over s plus 1 over s subscript u to the power of apostrophe fraction numerator 1 over denominator 10 comma 96 end fraction equals 1 over 16 plus 1 over s subscript u to the power of apostrophe 1 over s subscript u to the power of apostrophe equals fraction numerator 1 over denominator 10 comma 96 end fraction minus 1 over 16 1 over s subscript u to the power of apostrophe equals fraction numerator 16 minus 10 comma 96 over denominator 175 comma 4 end fraction s subscript u to the power of apostrophe equals fraction numerator 175 comma 4 space cm over denominator 5 comma 04 end fraction equals 34 comma 80 space cm end style    

Jarak antara bayangan merah dan bayangan ungu:

begin mathsize 14px style d equals s subscript m to the power of apostrophe minus s subscript u to the power of apostrophe d equals 48 to the power of apostrophe minus 34 comma 80 d space equals 13 comma 2 space cm end style 


Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah A

Perdalam pemahamanmu bersama Master Teacher
di sesi Live Teaching, GRATIS!




Pertanyaan serupa

Dua buah lensa cembung yang jarak fokusnya 10 cm dan 15 cm diletakkan secara berimpitan sehingga membentuk lensa gabungan. Bayangan dari sebuah benda oleh sistem dua lensa tersebut diperbesar 3 kali d...



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