


Named after one of her father’s favorite crocodiles, Bindi Sue Irwin first appeared in front of the cameras when she was only a few weeks old. Her father, Steve Irwin, was the star of the popular nature program, The Crocodile Hunter. Irwin shared her parent’s passion for wildlife. Home-schooled, she grew up surrounded by the animals at the Australian Zoo which is owned and operated by her family. She experienced a terrible loss in 2006 when her father died after being stung by a stingray while snorkeling on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. At Steve Irwin’s memorial service, held at the Australian Zoo, she spoke warmly of her father, calling him “her hero”. In memory of her father, Irwin starred in the 2007 television documentary My Daddy the Crocodile Hunter. She continued to work on her new wildlife series for American television, Bindi: The Jungle Girl, which debuted that same year, with the young wildlife enthusiast educating and entertaining viewers with stories about animals. She rode an elephant, played with a python and introduced her audience to her pet rat, Candy. Irwin even sang and danced on the show with her back-up group, known as the Crocmen. Along with her mother, Irwin also appeared in the documentary series, Planet’s Best with Terri and Bindi, around time. Though the show only lasted for 26 episodes, Bindi: The Jungle Girl found a second life on Australian television. The series aired there in 2009. Back in the states, Irwin has made appearances on such talk shows as The Oprah Winfrey Show in recent years. What can we learn from the text about Bindi Irwin?

Named after one of her father’s favorite crocodiles, Bindi Sue Irwin first appeared in front of the cameras when she was only a few weeks old. Her father, Steve Irwin, was the star of the popular nature program, The Crocodile Hunter.

Irwin shared her parent’s passion for wildlife. Home-schooled, she grew up surrounded by the animals at the Australian Zoo which is owned and operated by her family.

She experienced a terrible loss in 2006 when her father died after being stung by a stingray while snorkeling on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. At Steve Irwin’s memorial service, held at the Australian Zoo, she spoke warmly of her father, calling him “her hero”.

In memory of her father, Irwin starred in the 2007 television documentary My Daddy the Crocodile Hunter. She continued to work on her new wildlife series for American television, Bindi: The Jungle Girl, which debuted that same year, with the young wildlife enthusiast educating and entertaining viewers with stories about animals. She rode an elephant, played with a python and introduced her audience to her pet rat, Candy. Irwin even sang and danced on the show with her back-up group, known as the Crocmen. Along with her mother, Irwin also appeared in the documentary series, Planet’s Best with Terri and Bindi, around time.

Though the show only lasted for 26 episodes, Bindi: The Jungle Girl found a second life on Australian television. The series aired there in 2009. Back in the states, Irwin has made appearances on such talk shows as  The Oprah Winfrey Show in recent years.

What can we learn from the text about Bindi Irwin?

  1. She shared her parent's passion for wildlife.

  2. She and her mother visited the zoo every holiday.

  3. Her teacher taught about various animals at school.

  4. She had a dream of building a zoo in Australia.

  5. Her parents forced her to live around animals.


A. Setyawan

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Sebelas Maret

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Berdasarkan kalimat “ Irwin shared her parent’s passion for wildlife ” yang terdapat pada kalimat pertama di paragraf ke-2, dapat diketahui bahwa Bindi Irwin ikut memiliki cita-cita dan kegemaran di dunia kehidupan satwa liar sehingga pilihan jawaban (A) adalah yang paling tepat.

Berdasarkan kalimat “Irwin shared her parent’s passion for wildlife” yang terdapat pada kalimat pertama di paragraf ke-2, dapat diketahui bahwa Bindi Irwin ikut memiliki cita-cita dan kegemaran di dunia kehidupan satwa liar sehingga pilihan jawaban (A) adalah yang paling tepat.

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Named after one of her father’s favorite crocodiles, Bindi Sue Irwin first appeared in front of the cameras when she was only a few weeks old. Her father, Steve Irwin, was the star of the popular natu...



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