

THE SCIENTIST HELP SHEEP DIES Keith Campbell, a prominent biologist who worked on cloning Dolly the sheep, died at 58, the University of Nottingham said Thursday. Campbell, who had worked on animal improvement and cloning since 1999, died October 5, 2012, University spokesman Tim Utton said. He did not specify the cause, only saying that Campbell had worked at the university until his death. He began researching animal cloning at the Roslin Institute near Edinburgh in 1991. In 1996 the experiments lead to the birth of Dolly the sheep, the first mammal to be cloned from an adult cell. The sheep was named after the voluptuous singer Dolly Parton. Researchers at the time said that the sheep was created from a mammary gland cell, and that Parton offered an excellent example. The creation of the sheep captured the public imagination and instantly became a scientific sensation. The experiments drew not only admiration but also anger from some who raised questions about the ethics of cloning. Animal rights activists were outraged, while the church of England expressed reservations. Dolly was put down in 2003 after she developed a lung disease. Campbell's interest in cellular growth dated back to his college days studying microbiology in London. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?


Keith Campbell, a prominent biologist who worked on cloning Dolly the sheep, died at 58, the University of Nottingham said Thursday. Campbell, who had worked on animal improvement and cloning since 1999, died October 5, 2012, University spokesman Tim Utton said. He did not specify the cause, only saying that Campbell had worked at the university until his death.

He began researching animal cloning at the Roslin Institute near Edinburgh in 1991. In 1996 the experiments lead to the birth of Dolly the sheep, the first mammal to be cloned from an adult cell.

The sheep was named after the voluptuous singer Dolly Parton. Researchers at the time said that the sheep was created from a mammary gland cell, and that Parton offered an excellent example.

The creation of the sheep captured the public imagination and instantly became a scientific sensation. The experiments drew not only admiration but also anger from some who raised questions about the ethics of cloning. Animal rights activists were outraged, while the church of England expressed reservations. Dolly was put down in 2003 after she developed a lung disease. Campbell's interest in cellular growth dated back to his college days studying microbiology in London.

Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?

  1. Campbell never felt leaving for the university.

  2. Campbell stopped working because of his sickness.

  3. Campbell focused his research dealing with humans.

  4. Campbell started researching animal cloning as his experminets.

  5. Campbell focused his research not only on the animal experiments.

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Y. Yuli.Widya

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


Berdasarkan kalimat “ Campbell, who had worked on animal improvement and cloning ” yang terdapat pada kalimat ke-2 di paragraf pertama dan kalimat “ He began researching animal cloning at the Roslin Institute ” yang terdapat pada kalimat pertama di paragraf ke-2, dapat diketahui bahwa Campbell telah berfokus pada pengembangan hewan dan kloning dan memulai eksperimennya pada kloning hewan sehingga pilihan jawaban (D) adalah yang paling tepat.

Berdasarkan kalimat “Campbell, who had worked on animal improvement and cloning” yang terdapat pada kalimat ke-2 di paragraf pertama dan kalimat “He began researching animal cloning at the Roslin Institute” yang terdapat pada kalimat pertama di paragraf ke-2, dapat diketahui bahwa Campbell telah berfokus pada pengembangan hewan dan kloning dan memulai eksperimennya pada kloning hewan sehingga pilihan jawaban (D) adalah yang paling tepat.

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