
My father has a new black car. He bought it after saving the money for 3 years. He bought it so that my family can travel together easily. Father uses the car to drive my sister and I to school every morning. Twice a week father drives my mother to tradiotional market for shopping. The car has a good design, and it has eight seats; two seats in front, three seats in the middle, and another three seats at the back row. It is very easy to drive. My mother can drive it by herself if my father is too busy in his office to take her to go shopping. Who bought the car ?

My father has a new black car. He bought it after saving the money for 3 years. He bought it so that my family can travel together easily.

Father uses the car to drive my sister and I to school every morning. Twice a week father drives my mother to tradiotional market for shopping.

The car has a good design, and it has eight seats; two seats in front, three seats in the middle, and another three seats at the back row.

It is very easy to drive. My mother can drive it by herself if my father is too busy in his office to take her to go shopping.


Who bought the car ?


  1. Mother

  2. Father

  3. Her sister

  4. The writer

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M. Ardini

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Gadjah Mada

Jawaban terverifikasi


Berdasarkan kalimat “My father has a new black car.”, dapat diketahui bahwa ayah dari penulis memiliki mobil baru berwarna hitam, sehingga pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah (B).

Berdasarkan kalimat “My father has a new black car.”, dapat diketahui bahwa ayah dari penulis memiliki mobil baru berwarna hitam, sehingga pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah (B).

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What is the first paragraph called?



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Jl. Dr. Saharjo No.161, Manggarai Selatan, Tebet, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12860

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