


Read the text and answer the question!

Vanessa Mae

    Vanakorn Niholson is a British violinist. Her Music style is self-describe as "violin techno-aoustic fusion", as several of her albums prominently feature the tehno style combined with the classical style. When she plays classical violin concertos on her electric violin, the world listens.

    Vanessa Mae is Thai-Chinese. Her Mother is Chinese and her father is Thai. She is from Singapore, but now she lives in London with her mother, her father and her English step father. She's got cousins, aunts, uncle and grandparents in Thailand, Singapore, China and England.

From the text we know that people ....

From the text we know that people ....


B. Atlaliust

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Negeri Medan

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah: like Vanessa's music .

jawaban yang tepat adalah: like Vanessa's music.



Soal ini menanyakan apa yang dapat kita ketahui tentang orang-orang berdasarkan teks tersebut. Dalam kalimat ketiga paragraf 1 tertulis: " When she plays classical violin concertos on her electric violin, the world listens . " Frasa ' the world ' merepresentasikan orang-orang. Dari informasi ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa orang-orang menyukai musik Vanessa . Sehingga kalimatnya menjadi: From the text we know that people like Vanessa's music. Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang tepat adalah: like Vanessa's music .

Soal ini menanyakan apa yang dapat kita ketahui tentang orang-orang berdasarkan teks tersebut.

Dalam kalimat ketiga paragraf 1 tertulis: "When she plays classical violin concertos on her electric violin, the world listens." Frasa 'the world' merepresentasikan orang-orang. Dari informasi ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa orang-orang menyukai musik Vanessa. Sehingga kalimatnya menjadi: From the text we know that people like Vanessa's music.

Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang tepat adalah: like Vanessa's music.

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The text mainly describes ….



Jawaban terverifikasi


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