

For those of you now eyeing your cell phones A study published in the journal suspiciously, it is worth nothing that both the National Cancer Institute (sci) and the World Health Organization (WHO) say there is no evidence to support the assertion that cell phones are health threat. But a number of scientists are worried Bioclectromagnetics reported no statistically significant change in the incidence of brain cancer in men and women in England between 1998 and 2007, a time when cell. phone use increased dramatically. t there has been a dangerous rush to deolare cell phones safe, using studied they feel are inadequate and too often weighted toward the wireless industry interests. An analysis published by University of Washington neurologist Henry Law determined that far more independent studied than industry-funded studied have found at least some type of biological effects From cell-phone e But now, new work published this week in the Journal of the America Medical Association says there is an identifiable effect of cell phone use in the brain, but it is really too early to tell what,if thing, that effect means health-wise. are has been a lot of controversy of whether cell phones could increase the temperature of the brain, which in turn could effect ebergy requirements strong line between mobiles and cancer could have major public-health implications. As cell phones make and take calls, they exit low-level ratio- frequency (RE) radiation. Stronger than FM ratio signals, these RF waves are still a billionth the intensity ofknown carcinogenie radiation like X-rays. Based on our study, we really cannot infer whether this is a bad or could-even have potentially good applications so that - our finding does not ihuminate or enlighten that very important question of whether cell phone exposure could have detrimental effects Which of the following reflect opinions mentioned in both passages?

For those of you now eyeing your cell phones A study published in the journal suspiciously, it is worth nothing that both the National Cancer Institute (sci) and the World Health Organization (WHO) say there is no evidence to support the assertion that cell phones are health threat. But a number of scientists are worried Bioclectromagnetics reported no statistically significant change in the incidence of brain cancer in men and women in England between 1998 and 2007, a time when cell. phone use increased dramatically. t there has been a dangerous rush to deolare cell phones safe, using studied they feel are inadequate and too often weighted toward the wireless industry interests. An analysis published by University of Washington neurologist Henry Law determined that far more independent studied than industry-funded studied have found at least some type of biological effects From cell-phone e But now, new work published this week in the Journal of the America Medical Association says there is an identifiable effect of cell phone use in the brain, but it is really too early to tell what,if thing, that effect means health-wise. are has been a lot of controversy of whether cell phones could increase the temperature of the brain, which in turn could effect ebergy requirements strong line between mobiles and cancer could have major public-health implications. As cell phones make and take calls, they exit low-level ratio- frequency (RE) radiation. Stronger than FM ratio signals, these RF waves are still a billionth the intensity ofknown carcinogenie radiation like X-rays. Based on our study, we really cannot infer whether this is a bad or could-even have potentially good applications so that - our finding does not ihuminate or enlighten that very important question of whether cell phone exposure could have detrimental effects

Which of the following reflect opinions mentioned in both passages?

  1. There was no increase of brain cancer patiens in men and women between 1998-2007

  2. Statements by NCI and WHO on safe use of cell phones have led to a dangerous rush

  3. There are some type of biological effects from mobile phone exposure

  4. radiation emitted by X-rays is carcinogenic

  5. Mobile phones emit deadly radiation

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N. Supriyaningsih

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


Yang merupakan pernyataan atau opini utama dari kedua teks tersebut adalah bahwa telepon genggam mengeluarkan radiasi yang mematikan, maka jawaban E yang tepat. Pernyataan A hanya terdapat di passage 5, sedangkan pernyataan B, C, dan D hanya terdapat pada passage 4.

Yang merupakan pernyataan atau opini utama dari kedua teks tersebut adalah bahwa telepon genggam mengeluarkan radiasi yang mematikan, maka jawaban E yang tepat. Pernyataan A hanya terdapat di passage 5, sedangkan pernyataan B, C, dan D hanya terdapat pada passage 4.

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