

Read the following texts.

Text 1

    Once upon a time, a prince from the Moon named Sumantapura was amazed by the Earth. He descended to the Earth. and landed on an old woman's farm. His presence made the chicken crow. He heard a person approaching the farm, so he disguised himself as an egg. An old woman arrived at the farm and was shocked seeing a big egg. She took the egg and brought it home.

    Then, she went to the field to cultivate her land. In the afternoon she returned home and would have lunch. She was shocked because a person had eaten her meals. She couldn't find anyone in her house. It also happened on the following day. She was curious about who had eaten her meals.

    One morning the old woman prepared meals betel leaves to trap that person. When she left her house, Sumantapura came out of the egg. Then, he ate the meals and betel leaves. He never ate betel leaves before, so he passed out.

    In the afternoon the old woman returned home and found Sumantapura lying on the floor. "Wake up, young man. Who are you?" asked the old woman.

    "I am sorry, Ma'am. I have eaten your meals. I am Sumantapura. I am the prince of the Moon," said Sumantapura. He also told her how he was in her house. The old woman was surprised and asked him to stay with her. She called him La Onto-Ontolu which meant an egg.

    La Onto-Ontolu helped the old woman cultivate the land and feed the chicken. He also turned her house onto a good one using his power.

    Days passed by and La Onto-Ontolu wanted to marry. He asked the old woman to propose one of King Buton's princesses. The old woman met the king and proposed the first princess to La Onto-Ontolu, but the princess refused the proposal. The old woman also proposed the second, third. fourth, and fifth princesses. They refused the proposals too because they thought that they would marry an egg. However, the sixth princess accepted the proposal. The old woman and La Onto-Ontolu were so happy.

    The old woman then brought La Onto-Ontolu in the form of an egg to the palace. The sixth princess accepted the egg happily. Suddenly, the egg cracked and a handsome man appeared. People were surprised and the princess asked who he was. La Onto-Ontolu told that he was Sumantapura, the prince from the Moon. The princess was happy. Then, Sumantapura and the sixth princess married and lived happily ever after.

Translated from: http://ceritarakyatnusantara.com/id/folklore/247-La-Onto-Ontolu (April 4, 2020).

Text 2

    Last weekend my family visited several beaches in Yogyakarta. We went there on Saturday afternoon by car. We had rented a house near Parangkusumo Beach.

    We arrived at the house at 3:30 in the afternoon. Then, we placed our luggage in the house and headed to Parangkusumo Beach. We played sandboarding in Gumuk Pasir. It was not easy to play sandboarding. I fell several times, but it was enjoyable. Then, we returned to the house to have a bath.

    When it was getting dark, we went to the beach again to watch the sunset. The sun went down and the sky became red and orange. It was so beautiful that we took photos and recorded the natural sight. After that, we had dinner near the beach while enjoying the full moon, It was so wonderful since it was a full moon. My sister played the guitar and we sang the songs under the moonlight. We went to the house around nine. We cleaned ourselves and went to sleep.

    The following day, we woke up early because we wanted to catch the sunrise. We went to the beach and enjoyed the sunrise. We also had breakfast on the beach. The seafood was delicious. After that, we went to Parangtritis and Depok Beaches. We played sand, water, and flew kites. We also rode an ATV.

    We bought souvenirs and seafood for our neighbors. We returned home in the afternoon. The holiday was memorable.

Find the similarities and differences of the two texts. Write your answer, in the table. Which one is a narrative text? Mention the reasons.

Find the similarities and differences of the two texts. Write your answer, in the table. Which one is a narrative text? Mention the reasons.

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D. Danti

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar seperti pada tabel.

jawaban yang benar seperti pada tabel.


Pertanyaan pada soal adalah meminta untuk mencari persamaan dan perbedaan pada kedua text, dan manakah yang termasuk narative teks. Narrative Text adalahmerupakan sebuah teks yang menjelaskan kejadian di masa lampau atau masa lalu secara urut yang menghadirkan konflik dalam cerita. Dari penjelasan ini dapat disimpulkan jika yang termasuk narrative text adalah bacaan nomer 1. Teks nomer 2 merupakan recount text . Meskipun menejlaskan masa lampau namun tidak menyajikan konflik dalam cerita. Sedangkan perbedaan dan persamaan kedua teks adalah sebagai berikut: Jadi, jawaban yang benar seperti pada tabel.

Pertanyaan pada soal adalah meminta untuk mencari persamaan dan perbedaan pada kedua text, dan manakah yang termasuk narative teks.

Narrative Text adalah merupakan sebuah teks yang menjelaskan kejadian di masa lampau atau masa lalu secara urut yang menghadirkan konflik dalam cerita. Dari penjelasan ini dapat disimpulkan jika yang termasuk narrative text adalah bacaan nomer 1. Teks nomer 2 merupakan recount text. Meskipun menejlaskan masa lampau namun tidak menyajikan konflik dalam cerita.

Sedangkan perbedaan dan persamaan kedua teks adalah sebagai berikut:

Jadi, jawaban yang benar seperti pada tabel.

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Pertanyaan serupa

Answer the following questions based on Text 1. What can we learn from the story?



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