


Brain cancer might be categorized as the worst and the deadliest disease. Approximately 17.000 people in the United States are diagnozed with primary cancer each year and nearly 13.000 die of the disease. The brain is made up of individual cells. These cells are the smallest units which compose the brain. A brain cancer can arise from any of the cells, which make up the brain. Brain cancer starts in just one cell. As the cell makes more and more copies of itself, it grows to form a tumor. A malignant tumor has a capacity to spread, and is then called "brain cancer" "Primary brain cancer" starts within the bruin, and is the main subject of the transcript. In contrast, "secondary brain cancer " starts in some other organs (like lung or breast) and then spread to the brain. This is called "brain metafisis" There are several things that have been found to increase the risk of developing brain cancer. Having rare family disease (such as neurofibromatosis, Von Hippel Lindau), exposure to radiation, and exposure to certain chemicals (like pvc) have been connected to developing brain cancer. The risk is greater if the person is exposed to at a young age to a higher dose. From the text, we conclude that brain cancer ....

Brain cancer might be categorized as the worst and the deadliest disease. Approximately 17.000 people in the United States are diagnozed with primary cancer each year and nearly 13.000 die of the disease.

The brain is made up of individual cells. These cells are the smallest units which compose the brain. A brain cancer can arise from any of the cells, which make up the brain. Brain cancer starts in just one cell. As the cell makes more and more copies of itself, it grows to form a tumor. A malignant tumor has a capacity to spread, and is then called "brain cancer"

"Primary brain cancer" starts within the bruin, and is the main subject of the transcript. In contrast, "secondary brain cancer " starts in some other organs (like lung or breast) and then spread to the brain. This is called "brain metafisis"

There are several things that have been found to increase the risk of developing brain cancer. Having rare family disease (such as neurofibromatosis, Von Hippel Lindau), exposure to radiation, and exposure to certain chemicals (like pvc) have been connected to developing brain cancer. The risk is greater if the person is exposed to at a young age to a higher dose.

From the text, we conclude that brain cancer ....

  1. is contagious

  2. is very harmful

  3. can make a long life

  4. compose cell organs

  5. makes the cells died


Y. Yuli.Widya

Master Teacher

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Berdasarkan kalimat “ Brain cancer ... as the worst and the deadliest disease ” yang terdapat pada kalimat pertama di paragraf pertama, dapat diketahui bahwa kanker otak sangat berbahaya ( very harmful ) karena merupakan penyakit paling buruk dan mematikan sehingga pilihan jawaban (B) adalah yang paling tepat.

Berdasarkan kalimat “Brain cancer ... as the worst and the deadliest disease” yang terdapat pada kalimat pertama di paragraf pertama, dapat diketahui bahwa kanker otak sangat berbahaya (very harmful) karena merupakan penyakit paling buruk dan mematikan sehingga pilihan jawaban (B) adalah yang paling tepat.

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