


Complete the following dialog with suitable sentences from the box.
Then, practice the dialog with your friend.


  • If you are hungry, please have meals on a credible food stall.
  • If you'd like to visit its tourist attractions, please prepare your stamina.
  • If you want to board the MRT, you have to queue on the edge of the entrance gate.
  • If you are going to explore the country by public transportation, buy a Singapore tourist pass.
  • If you want to alight from the train, you have to watch the map and listen to the announcement.

Bagus : Hi, Sofia. My sisters and I are going to backpack to Singapore for three days next holiday. Do you have any suggestions? You have ever visited Singapore, haven't you? Sofia : Well, the most important thing is that if you visit Singapore, don't litter. Otherwise, you will be fined. (1) _______________ Bagus : Why? Sofia : To reach those places, you have to walk for long distances from the train or bus stations. Bagus : I see. Anything else? Sofia : Yes. (2) _______________ You can buy it at Changi Airport. If you want to buy tickets, board on buses and MRT, or even buy food, please stand in line. Queueing has become Singaporeans' habits. Bagus : What about taking the MRT? Sofia : (3) _____________. If the train is crowded, you'd better stand up although two seats on every row are vacant. These reserved seats are for elder or disable people. Bagus : Thank you for reminding me of this. It's very important. Sofia : It is, and when taking the MRT, please pay attention to the train route map which you can see above the door. (4) _______________ Bagus : Thanks, What else? Sofia : This is my last suggestion. (5) _______________ You can find them in my supermarkets, Bagus : Your information is very valuable. Thank you very much. Sofia : O, yeah! If you go around the country, don't forget to bring your passport, Have a nice trip. Bagus : Thank you. Answer the questions based on the dialog in Activity 20. What should Bagus do as soon as he arrives in Singapore?

Bagus: Hi, Sofia. My sisters and I are going to backpack to Singapore for three days next holiday. Do you have any suggestions? You have ever visited Singapore, haven't you?

Sofia: Well, the most important thing is that if you visit Singapore, don't litter. Otherwise, you will be fined. (1) _______________

Bagus: Why?

Sofia: To reach those places, you have to walk for long distances from the train or bus stations.

Bagus: I see. Anything else?

Sofia: Yes. (2) _______________ You can buy it at Changi Airport. If you want to buy tickets, board on buses and MRT, or even buy food, please stand in line. Queueing has become Singaporeans' habits.

Bagus: What about taking the MRT?

Sofia: (3) _____________. If the train is crowded, you'd better stand up although two seats on every row are vacant. These reserved seats are for elder or disable people.

Bagus: Thank you for reminding me of this. It's very important.

Sofia: It is, and when taking the MRT, please pay attention to the train route map which you can see above the door. (4) _______________

Bagus: Thanks, What else?

Sofia: This is my last suggestion. (5) _______________ You can find them in my supermarkets,

Bagus: Your information is very valuable. Thank you very much.

Sofia: O, yeah! If you go around the country, don't forget to bring your passport, Have a nice trip.

Bagus: Thank you.

Answer the questions based on the dialog in Activity 20.

What should Bagus do as soon as he arrives in Singapore? 


N. Puspita

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban untuk soal tersebut adalah " What Bagus should do as soon as he arrives in Singapore is to refrain from littering or he will get fined."

jawaban untuk soal tersebut adalah "What Bagus should do as soon as he arrives in Singapore is to refrain from littering or he will get fined."




Soal tersebutmenanyakan apa yang harus Bagus lakukan setibanya ia di Singapura . Jawaban dari pertanyaan tersebut dapat ditemukan pada ucapan Sofia pada baris kedua yaitu " Well, the most important thing is that if you visit Singapore, don't litter . Otherwise, you will be fined . " (Hal yang paling penting untuk kamu ketahui saat mengunjungi Singapura adalah jangan membuang sampah sembarangan . Kalau tidak, kamu akan didenda ." Oleh karena itu, dapat disimpulkan bahwa setibanya Bagus di Singapura, hal yang harus ia ingat selalu adalah tidak membuang sampah sembarangan atau ia akan didenda jika melakukannya. Jadi, jawaban untuk soal tersebut adalah " What Bagus should do as soon as he arrives in Singapore is to refrain from littering or he will get fined."

Soal tersebut menanyakan apa yang harus Bagus lakukan setibanya ia di Singapura. 

Jawaban dari pertanyaan tersebut dapat ditemukan pada ucapan Sofia pada baris kedua yaitu "Well, the most important thing is that if you visit Singapore, don't litter. Otherwise, you will be fined." (Hal yang paling penting untuk kamu ketahui saat mengunjungi Singapura adalah jangan membuang sampah sembarangan. Kalau tidak, kamu akan didenda."

Oleh karena itu, dapat disimpulkan bahwa setibanya Bagus di Singapura, hal yang harus ia ingat selalu adalah tidak membuang sampah sembarangan atau ia akan didenda jika melakukannya.

Jadi, jawaban untuk soal tersebut adalah "What Bagus should do as soon as he arrives in Singapore is to refrain from littering or he will get fined."

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9. What will Sonia do?



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