


The following text is for questions 32 to 36.


Lavender (lavare) means 'to wash' in Latin. In the past, people used lavender to bathe. But now, many people use this as scent ingredients in many products such as detergent, soap and shampoo.

    Lavender originally grows in Mediterranean mountain zones since it grows well in a stony and sunny habitat. Nowadays, lavender is wide spread to Southern Europe, United States, Australia, and Indonesia also.

    Lavender can grow up to 60 centimetres. It is a short bush with branches that has broad rootstock. The rootstock produces upright, rod like, leafy, green shoots or branches. The grey green oblong tapered leaves are covered by silvery down and attached directly at the root. It curls spirally. The flowers are small with blue violet colour. They are arranged in 6 to 10 blossoms. The oil of the flowers radiates fragrant scent.

    The essential oil of lavender flowers is extracted and used for various medicinal purposes, such as a remedy for insomnia, anxiety, depression, and fatigue. Research findings suggest that lavender gives calming, soothing, and sedative effects when we inhale its scent.

33. How do people get lavender oil?

33. How do people get lavender oil?

  1. By extracting it.

  2. By inhaling it.

  3. By mixing it.

  4. By drying it.


D. Danti

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah A. By extracting it.

jawaban yang tepat adalah A. By extracting it.




Di dalam teks disebutkan The essential oil of lavender flowers is extracted and used for various medicinal purposes yang berarti "Minyak esensial bunga lavender diekstraksi dan digunakan untuk berbagai tujuan obat." Nah dari kalimat ini bisa disimpulkan bahwa orang-orang mendapatkan minyak bunga lavender dnegan cara mengekstrasinya. Dengan demikian jawaban yang tepat adalah A. By extracting it.

Di dalam teks disebutkan The essential oil of lavender flowers is extracted and used for various medicinal purposes yang berarti "Minyak esensial bunga lavender diekstraksi dan digunakan untuk berbagai tujuan obat." Nah dari kalimat ini bisa disimpulkan bahwa orang-orang mendapatkan minyak bunga lavender dnegan cara mengekstrasinya.

Dengan demikian jawaban yang tepat adalah A. By extracting it.

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