


A Trip to the Zoo 

     Yesterday my family and I went to the zoo to see the elephant. When we got to the zoo, we went to the shop to buy some food to give to the animals.

     After getting the food, we went to the nocturnal house where we saw birds and reptiles which only come out at night.

     Before having lunch, we went for a ride on the elephant. It was a thrill to ride it. Dad fell off when he let go of the rope, but he was ok.

     During lunch, we fed some birds in the park. In the afternoon we saw the animals being fed. When we returned home, we were very tired but happy. It was because we had so many fun activities at many places at the zoo. 

3. ____our family felt tired after visiting the zoo, we were still happy.

3. ____ our family felt tired after visiting the zoo, we were still happy.

  1. Since

  2. Because

  3. Although

  4. Nevertheless


D. Danti

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah C.

jawaban yang tepat adalah C.



Terjemahan dalam soal adalah: "____ keluarga kami merasa lelah setelah mengunjungi kebun binatang, kami masih merasa senang". Kata yang cocok untuk melengkapi bagian kosong adalah jenis kata penghubung. Dilihat dari segi makna kedua kalimat tersebut, kalimat pertama berbanding terbalik dengan makna kedua . Maka dari itu, kita harus mencari kata penghubung yang menunjukkan arti pertentangan . Opsi A berfungsi menunjukkan keterangan waktu . Contoh: " I have lived in this city since I was three years old ". Opsi B berfungsi menunjukkan keterangan sebab akibat . Contoh: " I got stomachache because I forgot to have breakfast ". Opsi C berfungsi menunjukkan keterangan penghubung kalimat berlawanan dan biasanya terletak di awal kalimat . Contoh: " Although they are rich, they do not want to donate their money ". Opsi D berfungsi menunjukkan sesuatu yang berlawanan dengan pernyataan sebelumnya . Contoh: " Siti has called her boyfriend many times. Nevertheless, he has not answered the call ye t." Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah C.

Terjemahan dalam soal adalah: "____ keluarga kami merasa lelah setelah mengunjungi kebun binatang, kami masih merasa senang".

Kata yang cocok untuk melengkapi bagian kosong adalah jenis kata penghubung. Dilihat dari segi makna kedua kalimat tersebut, kalimat pertama berbanding terbalik dengan makna kedua. Maka dari itu, kita harus mencari kata penghubung yang menunjukkan arti pertentangan.

Opsi A berfungsi menunjukkan keterangan waktu. Contoh: "I have lived in this city since I was three years old".

Opsi B berfungsi menunjukkan keterangan sebab akibat. Contoh: "I got stomachache because I forgot to have breakfast".

Opsi C berfungsi menunjukkan keterangan penghubung kalimat berlawanan dan biasanya terletak di awal kalimat. Contoh: "Although they are rich, they do not want to donate their money".

Opsi D berfungsi menunjukkan sesuatu yang berlawanan dengan pernyataan sebelumnya. Contoh: "Siti has called her boyfriend many times. Nevertheless, he has not answered the call yet."

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah C.

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