


    Kediri is a name of a town. It is situated in a valley between the Kelud and Willis mountains and inhabited by about 1.3 million people. In the centre of the town there is a large hill which is called the Dathok Mountain. Because of the topography of the region, Kediri is called a chilly town by the locals. There is a big river called Brantas cutting off the centre of the town.

    Beside the temples, Kediri is also famous for its products like cigarettes and a special kind of tofu or bean curd. This highly nutritious food is delicacy of Kediri and has a distinctive taste. The cigarettes factory dominates the town economy and employs the majority of the women labor force. Kediri and the cigarettes factory are inseparable and it is considered the biggest cigarette factory in Indonesia. Most of the local people work in this factory. Those who do not work here are farmers or traders.

"Those who do not work here …"(last sentence). The "those"word refers to ...

"Those who do not work here …" (last sentence).

The "those" word refers to ...

  1. The local people

  2. The factory workers

  3. The farmers

  4. The traders

  5. Woman labour force


M. Isnaeni

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Negeri Semarang

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah A.

jawaban yang benar adalah A.



Dalam teks terdapat kalimat " Most of the local people work in this factory. Those who do not work here ... " yang dapat menjadi petunjuk untuk menjawab soal yang menanyakan kata " those " tersebut merujuk pada apa. Petunjuk tersebut mengarah pada jawaban bahwa kata " those " tersebut merujuk pada " local people " yang dijelaskan di kalimat sebelumnya. Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah A.

Dalam teks terdapat kalimat "Most of the local people work in this factory. Those who do not work here ..." yang dapat menjadi petunjuk untuk menjawab soal yang menanyakan kata "those" tersebut merujuk pada apa.

Petunjuk tersebut mengarah pada jawaban bahwa kata "those" tersebut merujuk pada "local people" yang dijelaskan di kalimat sebelumnya.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah A.

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Pertanyaan serupa

D. Answer the following questions based on the texts in Activity C! What is a moat?



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