Nanajeyna N

24 Januari 2022 12:04



Nanajeyna N

24 Januari 2022 12:04


In addition to providing energy, fats have several other functions in the body. The fat-soluble vitamins—A, D, E and K—are dissolved in fats, as their name implies. Good sources of these vitamins have high oil or fat content, and the vitamins are stored in the body’s fatty tissues. In the diets, fats cause food to remain longer in the stomach, thus increasing the feeling of fullness for some time after a meal is eaten. Fats add variety, taste, and texture to foods, which account for the popularity of fried foods. Fatty deposits in the body have an insulating and protective value. The curves of the human female body are due mostly to strategically located fat deposits. (1)Whether a certain amount of fat in the diet is essential to human health is not definitely known. (2) When rats are fed a fat-free-diet, their growth eventually ceases, their skin becomes inflamed and scaly, and their reproductive systems are damaged. (3) Due to their expensive ingredients, many customers avert such foods. (4) Two fatty acids, linoleic and arachidonic acids, prevent these abnormalities and hence are called essential fatty acids. (5) They also are required by a number of other animals, but their roles in humans are debatable. (6) A few nutritionists consider linoleic fatty acid an essential nutrient for humans. The tone of the text concerning fats is____. (A) obtrusive (B) combustive (C) reactive (D) abusive (E) informative



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Y. Widya

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Negeri Surabaya

27 Januari 2022 06:35

Jawaban terverifikasi

Jawaban: (E) informative Hello Muhammad S, Kamu diminta untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini berdasarkan teks yang tersedia. Kalimat pertanyaan "The tone of the text concerning fats is____." memiliki makna "Nada/tone yang terlihat pada penulisan teks tentang lemak tersebut adalah____." Tone atau nada pada teks adalah sesuatu yang mengacu pada suasana hati yang tersirat oleh pilihan kata penulis dan cara teks tersebut membentuk rasa pembacanya. Makna pilihan jawaban yang tersedia adalah: (A) obtrusive (menonjol) (B) combustive (marah) (C) reactive (reaktif) (D) abusive (kasar) (E) informative (informatif) Berdasarkan makna dan isinya, teks tersebut terasa sangat informatif dengan menyajikan berbagai informasi mengenai lemak tanpa adanya bahasa kasar atau terkesan memaksakan. Penggunaan bahasanya juga informatif dan sesuai dengan fakta yang dibutuhkan oleh pembaca. Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah ((E) informative. Semoga mudah dipahami ya penjelasannya, terima kasih telah menggunakan Roboguru.




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People who drink two or more sweetened soft drinks a week have much hig her risk of pancreatic cancer, an unusual but .... (42) ... . cancer. People who drink mostly fruit juice ... (43) .... sodas did not have the same risk. Sugar may be to .... (44).... but people who drink sweetened sodas regularly have other poor health habits. The high levels of sugar in soft drinks may be increasing the level of insulin in the body, which we think .... (45) .... to pancreatic cancer cell growth. Insulin which helps the body .... (46) .... sugar is made in the pancreas. 46. A. digest B. metabolize c. stimulate D. produce E. apply



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Since 1929, physicists have known that the universe is expanding. Most physicists hold that the entire observable universe was condensed into a tiny area of exceptional density and that this initial mass exploded outward in what is commonly referred to as the "Big Bang." The universe has been expanding steadily ever since this cataclysmic event and most physicists naturally assumed that this expansion must be gradually slowing down. Some theorists even predicted that the gravitational pull of the universe would cause the eventual contraction of the universe-the "Big Crunch." However, in 1998, a team of observers studying supernovae made a shocking discovery. Instead of slowing down, the expansion of the universe is accelerating. In fact, the acceleration appeared to have begun some 10 billion years ago. Later measurements of the cosmic microwave background and a survey of the distribution of galaxies seem to corroborate the initial finding that the expansion of the universe is indeed accelerating. Cosmologists believe the most likely explanation for the acceleration of the universe's expansion is an entity known as dark eriergy According to theory, dark energy should account for approximately twothirds of the total cosmic energy density. It also is believed to be gravitationally repulsive and diffused throughout the areas of space unoccupied y galaxies. Although theoretically possible, dark energy, if it were found to exist, would provide theorists with a number of difficulties and perhaps even require an extensive rethinking of fundamental physics. Some cosmologists believe that the existence of dark energy impl ies the existence of subatomic particles more than thirty orders of magnitude smaller than the electron. Others have tinkered with Einstein's theory of relativity in an attempt to account for the perceived effects of dark energy. Such drastic revisions to long-held tenets have encouraged some physicists to seek a more conventional solution to the accelerating universe enigma, one that does not invoke the specter of dark energy. These theories posit more mundane explanations, such as the aggregate gravitational effect of interstellar dust. Recently, four independent groups have found evidence of the integrated Sachs Wolfe effect, a phenomenon linked to the presence of dark energy. The passage is primarily concerned with .... A. defending an innovative theory B. comparing competing scientific theories C. detailing the ramifications of a finding D. describing a problem and its possible solution E. proposing a new approach to cosmology



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Forget lions, tigers, and bears. When it comes to the art of war, army ants are among the most frightening creatures on earth. With powerful mouth parts, these ighters can skillfully cut creatures much larger than themselves into pieces. Acting together in great number, army ant colonies succeed at making tens of thousands of such kills each day. Their capabilities do have limits, though. Contrary to popular belief, they almost never take down large animals or people. One of the best places to observe army ants is Barro Colorado, an island in a lake creates by Panama Canal. The island is home to as many as 50 colonies of Eciton burchellii, the most studied army ant in world. It is one of 150 types of army ants in the New World; more 170 other types live in Asia, Africa, and Australia. The colonies of this army ant are huge, ranging from 300.000 to 700.000 ants. They never stay in one place long, moving from nest site to nest site. Linking legs together, they use their own bodies to form enormous nests called bivouacs, which they hang beneath a fallen tree. There they stay for about 20 days as the queen lays as many as 300.00 eggs. When the ants go hunting as many as 200.000 of them leave the nest in a group that broadens into a fan as wide as 14 meters. This swarm raid takes a slightly diferent course each day, allowing the hunter to cover fresh ground each time. Protecting the ants wherever they go are soldiers, recognizable by their oversized jaws. If their frightening looks do not scare enemies away, soldier also have a powerful bite and the attack is often suicidal. Because their jaws are shaped like ishhooks, the soldiers cannot pull them out again. Amazonian tribes have used soldier ants to close wounds, breaking of the bodies and leaving the head in place. Eciton burchellii are blind and cannot see what a head of them is, but they move together in such great numbers that they can easily kill the non-army ants, insect and other small creatures that constitute their prey. When the groups happen upon a break in the path, ants immediately link legs together and form living bridges so that the groups can move forwards without any delay. In Japanese the word ant is written by linking two character: one meaning “insect”, the other meaning “loyalty”. Indeed, individual ants are completely loyal to their fellow ants. They display many examples of selless cooperation that, while certainly extreme, cannot fail to win human admiration. In which paragraphs of the text author mention the sight of army ants? A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5



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