Jodhita P

Ditanya 6 hari yang lalu



Jodhita P

Ditanya 6 hari yang lalu


24. A.Provided B.Offered C.Revealed D.Served E.Covered










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Azyana F

Dijawab 6 hari yang lalu

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<p>the correct choice to fill in the blank is "<strong>D. Served.</strong>" Here's how it fits into the sentence:</p><p>"But in different cultures and eras, tattoos have also <strong>served</strong> religious purposes."</p><p>This word conveys the appropriate meaning that tattoos were used for specific religious reasons in those contexts.</p><p>maaf kalau salah</p>

the correct choice to fill in the blank is "D. Served." Here's how it fits into the sentence:

"But in different cultures and eras, tattoos have also served religious purposes."

This word conveys the appropriate meaning that tattoos were used for specific religious reasons in those contexts.

maaf kalau salah



Nanda R


Dijawab 6 hari yang lalu

Jawaban terverifikasi

<p>For each blank, here's the most appropriate word to complete the text:</p><p>(24) <strong>D. Served</strong></p><ul><li>"In different cultures and eras, tattoos have also <strong>served</strong> religious purposes."</li></ul><p>(25) The blank here isn't provided, but the appropriate word might be:</p><ul><li>"tattooing themselves with <strong>images</strong> of jaguars, snakes, turtles, and toads."</li></ul><p>(26) <strong>C. Healing</strong></p><ul><li>"Some Native American tribes used tattooing for <strong>healing</strong> purposes, believing that tattoos would ward off illness."</li></ul><p>(27) The blank here isn't provided, but an appropriate phrase might be:</p><ul><li>"Similarly, members of the military or fraternities may have themselves tattooed to <strong>show their commitment</strong>."</li></ul><p>(28) The sentence continues from (27):</p><ul><li>The blank here should fit into the context of showing commitment or allegiance.</li></ul><p>By filling these words in the passage, the sentences would read smoothly and correctly convey the intended meanings.</p>

For each blank, here's the most appropriate word to complete the text:

(24) D. Served

  • "In different cultures and eras, tattoos have also served religious purposes."

(25) The blank here isn't provided, but the appropriate word might be:

  • "tattooing themselves with images of jaguars, snakes, turtles, and toads."

(26) C. Healing

  • "Some Native American tribes used tattooing for healing purposes, believing that tattoos would ward off illness."

(27) The blank here isn't provided, but an appropriate phrase might be:

  • "Similarly, members of the military or fraternities may have themselves tattooed to show their commitment."

(28) The sentence continues from (27):

  • The blank here should fit into the context of showing commitment or allegiance.

By filling these words in the passage, the sentences would read smoothly and correctly convey the intended meanings.


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