


Write the affirmative, negative, and interrogative sentences. Use the correct verb, auxiliary, to be, and pronouns. Siska and Wulan (watch) Korean drama on TV. (+) ____. (-) ____. (?) ____. (+) Yes, ____. (-) No, ____.

Write the affirmative, negative, and interrogative sentences. Use the correct verb, auxiliary, to be, and pronouns.

Siska and Wulan (watch) Korean drama on TV.

(+) ____.

(-) ____.

(?) ____.

(+) Yes, ____.

(-) No, ____.


F. Aulia

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Indonesia

Jawaban terverifikasi



Kalimat di atas akan dibentuk menggunakan Present Continuous Tense karena kejadian pada kalimat tersebut sedang berlangsung. Berikut rumus yang digunakan untuk tiap bentuk kalimat. Affirmative sentences: S + to be + V-ing + O + .... Negative sentences: S + to be + not + V-ing + O + .... Interrogative sentences: To be + S + V-ing + O + ... + ? Affirmative response to interrogative sentences: Yes, + S + to be Negative response to interrogative sentences: No, + S + to be + not (+) Siska and Wulan are watching Korean drama on TV. (-) Siska and Wulan are not watching Korean drama on TV. (?) Are Siska and Wulan watching Korean drama on TV? (+) Yes, they are. (-) No, they are not.

Kalimat di atas akan dibentuk menggunakan Present Continuous Tense karena kejadian pada kalimat tersebut sedang berlangsung. Berikut rumus yang digunakan untuk tiap bentuk kalimat.

  • Affirmative sentences: S + to be + V-ing + O + ....
  • Negative sentences: S + to be + not + V-ing + O + ....
  • Interrogative sentences: To be + S + V-ing + O + ... + ?
  • Affirmative response to interrogative sentences: Yes, + S + to be
  • Negative response to interrogative sentences: No, + S + to be + not

(+) Siska and Wulan are watching Korean drama on TV.

(-) Siska and Wulan are not watching Korean drama on TV.

(?) Are Siska and Wulan watching Korean drama on TV?

(+) Yes, they are.

(-) No, they are not.

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di sesi Live Teaching, GRATIS!




Pertanyaan serupa

Change the verb in brackets into the correct Simple Present Tense or Present Continuous Tense form! Belva and Roni (sing) ____ the songs together.



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