


Work in pairs. Read the following texts & answer the question Text 1 How to Make a Computer Animation Just like a flip-book, computer animation is made up of many slightly different pictures. If these are played back quickly, it will give the illusion of movement. The animation software needed for this activity can be downloaded for free from the Internet. You will need: A computer or laptop with animation software A digital camera A tripod An item for animation (a toy car or modeling clay) Method: Prepare an object for animation such as a toy car or modeling clay that you have changed into an object. · Start up the animation software on your computer. Attach your camera on the tripod to the computer via a cable. Place your object for animation such as a toy car on a flat surface and frame it so that the front part of the toy car is just peeking into the left-hand side of the picture. Check the image on the computer screen and snap your picture. Move the toy car just a little bit so that more of it is in the shot. Your animation software should show a faint outline of the last picture, making easier for you to line up. Repeat. Keep moving the object to the right until it disappears out of the shot. Check your progress to make sure everything is going smoothly and reshoot if you make a mistake. Playback and enjoy your magical moving toy car. Most animation programs also allow you to add sound and visual to your film. (Adopted from: John Woodward, Necessary Skills and then Some, New York, Darling Kindersley Limited , 2014). Text 2 Do you want to learn how to make a simple computer animation? You can make it quite easily. You can use computer animation software to do it. It is just like a flip-book. Computer animation is made up of many slightly different pictures. If these are played back quickly, it will give the illusion of movement. Now, let's make it. You will need a computer or laptop computer With animation software, a digital camera, a tripod, and an item for animation. You can use a toy car or modeling clay which you made it into an animal such as a snail. Now follow the instructions. First prepare an object for animation such as a toy car or modeling clay that you have changed into an object. Then, start up the animation software on your computer. Next attach your camera on the tripod to the computer via a cable. After that, place your object for animation such as a toy car on a flat surface. Frame it so that the front part of the toy car is just peeking into the left-hand side of the picture. Then, check the image on the computer screen and snap your picture. Move the toy car just a little bit so that more of it is in the shot. Your animation software should show a faint outline of the last picture. It makes easier for you to line up. Repeat. Keep moving the object to the right until it disappears out of the shot. Then, you should check your progress to make sure everything is going smoothly and reshoot if you make a mistake. Finally, playback and enjoy your magical moving toy car. Most animation programs also allow you to add sound and visual to your film. That's amazing, right? So, have a try! (Adopted from: John Woodward, Necessary Skills and then Some , New York, Dorling Kindersley Limited , 2014) Why should we add sound and visual?

Work in pairs.
Read the following texts & answer the question

Text 1

How to Make a Computer Animation

    Just like a flip-book, computer animation is made up of many slightly different pictures. If these are played back quickly, it will give the illusion of movement. The animation software needed for this activity can be downloaded for free from the Internet.

    You will need:

  • A computer or laptop with animation software
  • A digital camera
  • A tripod
  • An item for animation (a toy car or modeling clay)


  1. Prepare an object for animation such as a toy car or modeling clay that you have changed into an object. ·
  2. Start up the animation software on your computer. Attach your camera on the tripod to the computer via a cable.
  3. Place your object for animation such as a toy car on a flat surface and frame it so that the front part of the toy car is just peeking into the left-hand side of the picture. Check the image on the computer screen and snap your picture.
  4. Move the toy car just a little bit so that more of it is in the shot. Your animation software should show a faint outline of the last picture, making easier for you to line up.
  5. Repeat. Keep moving the object to the right until it disappears out of the shot. Check your progress to make sure everything is going smoothly and reshoot if you make a mistake.
  6. Playback and enjoy your magical moving toy car. Most animation programs also allow you to add sound and visual to your film.

(Adopted from: John Woodward, Necessary Skills and then Some, New York, Darling Kindersley Limited, 2014).

Text 2

    Do you want to learn how to make a simple computer animation? You can make it quite easily. You can use computer animation software to do it. It is just like a flip-book. Computer animation is made up of many slightly different pictures. If these are played back quickly, it will give the illusion of movement. Now, let's make it.

    You will need a computer or laptop computer With animation software, a digital camera, a tripod, and an item for animation. You can use a toy car or modeling clay which you made it into an animal such as a snail.

    Now follow the instructions. First prepare an object for animation such as a toy car or modeling clay that you have changed into an object. Then, start up the animation software on your computer. Next attach your camera on the tripod to the computer via a cable.

    After that, place your object for animation such as a toy car on a flat surface. Frame it so that the front part of the toy car is just peeking into the left-hand side of the picture. Then, check the image on the computer screen and snap your picture. Move the toy car just a little bit so that more of it is in the shot. Your animation software should show a faint outline of the last picture. It makes easier for you to line up. Repeat. Keep moving the object to the right until it disappears out of the shot.

    Then, you should check your progress to make sure everything is going smoothly and reshoot if you make a mistake. Finally, playback and enjoy your magical moving toy car. Most animation programs also allow you to add sound and visual to your film.

    That's amazing, right? So, have a try!

(Adopted from: John Woodward, Necessary Skills and then Some , New York, Dorling Kindersley Limited, 2014)

Why should we add sound and visual? 


N. Puspita

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat dari pertanyaantersebut ialah " We put audio and visual into animation to make our films more enjoyable."

jawaban yang tepat dari pertanyaan tersebut ialah "We put audio and visual into animation to make our films more enjoyable."




Pertanyaan "Why should we add sound and visual?" bermakna "Mengapa kita harus menambahkan suara dan visual?" Di dalam teks tersebut terdapat dua kalimat "Finally, playback and enjoy your magical moving toy car. Most animation programs also allow you to add sound and visual to your film." Kedua kalimattersebut bermakna "Terakhir, putar ulang dan nikmati keajaiban mobilmainan yang bergerak milikmu. Sebagian besar program animasi juga membuatmu bisa menambahkan suara dan visual ke film mu." Kata " also " menjadi penanda kohesi atau penghubung antara ide di dua kalimat tersebut. Di kalimat pertama, idenya adalah " playback and enjoy ..." dan di kalimat kedua, idenya adalah " Most animation programs allow you to add sound and visual... ". Jadi, kalau kita menambahkan sound and visual , enjoyment/ kesenanganbertambah . Secara logika, penambahan audio dan visual pada suatu videoakan menghasilkan animasi yang lebih menarik dan imersif. Dengan demikian, jawaban yang tepat dari pertanyaantersebut ialah " We put audio and visual into animation to make our films more enjoyable."

Pertanyaan "Why should we add sound and visual?"  bermakna "Mengapa kita harus menambahkan suara dan visual?"

Di dalam teks tersebut terdapat dua kalimat "Finally, playback and enjoy your magical moving toy car. Most animation programs also allow you to add sound and visual to your film." Kedua kalimat tersebut bermakna "Terakhir, putar ulang dan nikmati keajaiban mobil mainan yang bergerak milikmu. Sebagian besar program animasi juga membuatmu bisa menambahkan suara dan visual ke film mu."

Kata "also" menjadi penanda kohesi atau penghubung antara ide di dua kalimat tersebut. Di kalimat pertama, idenya adalah "playback and enjoy ..." dan di kalimat kedua, idenya adalah "Most animation programs allow you to add sound and visual...". Jadi, kalau kita menambahkan sound and visual, enjoyment/ kesenangan bertambah. Secara logika, penambahan audio dan visual pada suatu video akan menghasilkan animasi yang lebih menarik dan imersif.

Dengan demikian, jawaban yang tepat dari pertanyaan tersebut ialah "We put audio and visual into animation to make our films more enjoyable."

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