
Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, d, e!

Text I ( Questions number 1-5 )

Tangkuban Perahu

    Dayang Sumbi was exiled in the jungle, because she was unmarried but pregnant. She gave a birth to a baby boy and named him Sangkuriang.    

    One day he went hunting with his dog, si Tumang. In the bush he saw a pig, Wayungyang. He wanted to shoot Wayungyang but si Tumang hindered him. He was angry at it and killed it, and then took its heart home. When he told that it was si Tumang’s heart, she was very angry and hit Sang Kuriang’s head with a spoon. And he ran away and left his mother to the east. He did not know himself and forgot his name. He was about 16 years of age.

    After along time Sang Kuriang came back to the jungle where his mother lived. She looked younger than her age, so Sang Kuriang fell in love with her. “Will you marry me?’’ one day he asked her. But Dayang Sumbi refused because she recognized that he was her son. He insisted to marry her and Dayang Sumbi asked two marriage settlements. One, he had to dammed Citarum river, and two, had to make a boat in one nightSang Kuriang almost finished his work but Dayang Sumbi cheated him. He was angry and kicked the boat. The boat fell upside down on the peak of mountain. It was known Tangkuban Perahu, at the northern of Bandung, West Java.

Why was Dayang Sumbi exiled in the jungle? Because she……

Why was Dayang Sumbi exiled in the jungle?

Because she……

  1. was married and pregnant

  2. was unmarried and not pregnant

  3. was unmarried and pregnant

  4. followed her husband

  5. was bored living in the kingdom

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Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah was unmarried and pregnant atau pilihan C .

jawaban yang tepat adalah was unmarried and pregnant atau pilihan C.  


Kita dapat menemukan jawaban pada paragraf pertamayaitu pada bagian " Dayang Sumbi was exiled in the jungle, because she was unmarried but pregnant ". Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah was unmarried and pregnant atau pilihan C .

Kita dapat menemukan jawaban pada paragraf pertama yaitu pada bagian "Dayang Sumbi was exiled in the jungle, because she was unmarried but pregnant".

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah was unmarried and pregnant atau pilihan C.  

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