


Read the following text and answer the question!

Woman: Security Security!

Security: Yes, Madam. What can I do for you?

Woman: Someone has stolen my purse when I was busy to choose the shirt here.

Security: Where did you put your purse?

Woman: In my bag.

Security: What did your purse contain of?

Woman: My money, my credit card, my identity card and others important cards.

Security: Did you see the thief?

Woman: Yes, I did. She is tall and thin.

Security: What did he put off?

Woman: She wears black jacket and blue jeans, oh I remember he uses green hat too.

Security: And about old is he?

Woman: She is fairly young, I think that she is in mid teens. Hmm, she is about sixteen or seventeen.

Security: What is his hair color?

Woman: Her hair is long and black.

Security: Eyes?

Woman: I don't know exactly, it all happened so fast.

Security: Ok, I will call the gate officer and security to check everyone who wants to exit from here.

Where did the conversation happen? Answer: ____

Where did the conversation happen?

Answer: ____


D. Yaniar

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah " The conversation happened in aclothing storeor mall ."

 jawaban yang tepat adalah "The conversation happened in a clothing store or mall."



Di mana latar tempat percakapan berlangsung? Jawabannya dapat kita temukan pada dialog Woman, yaitu " Someone has stolen my purse when I was busy to choose the shirt here . "Wanita itu menjelaskan bahwa "Seseorang telah mencuri dompet saya ketika saya sibuk memilih kemeja di sini. " Selain itu, kita juga bisa melihat pada dialog Security, yaitu" Ok, I will call the gate officer and security to check everyone who wants to exit from here ." Satpam tersebut menjelaskan bawha dia akan memanggil petugas gerbang dan keamanan untuk memeriksa semua orang yang ingin keluar dari sini. Dengan demikian, latar tempat dialog di atas adalah di tempat perbelanjaan, toko baju, atau mall. Jadi,jawaban yang tepat adalah " The conversation happened in aclothing storeor mall ."

Di mana latar tempat percakapan berlangsung?

Jawabannya dapat kita temukan pada dialog Woman, yaitu "Someone has stolen my purse when I was busy to choose the shirt here." Wanita itu menjelaskan bahwa "Seseorang telah mencuri dompet saya ketika saya sibuk memilih kemeja di sini."

Selain itu, kita juga bisa melihat pada dialog Security, yaitu "Ok, I will call the gate officer and security to check everyone who wants to exit from here." Satpam tersebut menjelaskan bawha dia akan memanggil petugas gerbang dan keamanan untuk memeriksa semua orang yang ingin keluar dari sini.

Dengan demikian, latar tempat dialog di atas adalah di tempat perbelanjaan, toko baju, atau mall.

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah "The conversation happened in a clothing store or mall."

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