


Read the text and answer ·the questions that follow.


    I often eat snacks while studying or simply reading a newspaper or magazine. Occasionally, I make snacks on my own, such as crispy oyster mushrooms, fried french fries, fried bananas, or fried tempeh. Mom always provides the materials in a refrigerator, so I can cook myself.

    This time I'd like to share how to make crispy oyster mushrooms. l like making the snacks since the ingredients and steps simple. You can try yourself at home.

    First, prepare the ingredients, i,e. one hundred grams of oyster mushrooms, two hundreds and fifty grams of rice flour, salt, coriander, cooking oil, and a clove of garlic. We also need boiled water to make batter and paper towels to drain the snacks.

     Now, wash the oyster mushrooms, tear them into bite-sized pieces, and drain. Then, wash the garlic and grind it well with a litlle salt and coriander. After that, pour the rice flour into a bowl, add enough boiled water and the ground spices. Mix well, but not too watery. Next, dip the oyster mushrooms into the batter and coat them well.

      After that, heat the cooking oil on a frying pan. Deep fry the coated mushrooms until golden brown and drain on the paper towels. Follow this step for all coated mushrooms. Serve the crispy mushrooms on a plate and enjoy. l ussually eat these crispy mushrooms with chili sauce.

Why does the writer like cooking crispy oyster mushrooms?

Why does the writer like cooking crispy oyster mushrooms?


A. Mufida

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah " The writerlike cooking crispy oyster mushrooms sincethe ingredients and stepssimple."

jawaban yang benar adalah "The writer like cooking crispy oyster mushrooms since the ingredients and steps simple."



Soal ini menanyakan mengapa penulis suka memasak jamur krispi. Terjemahan kalimat "l like making the snacks since the ingredients and stepssimple." adalah"Saya suka membuat cemilan ini karena bahan dan langkahnya sederhana." Kalimat tersebut menunjukan bahwa penulis suka masak jamur krispi karena bahan dan langkah pembuatannya sederhana. Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah " The writerlike cooking crispy oyster mushrooms sincethe ingredients and stepssimple."

Soal ini menanyakan mengapa penulis suka memasak jamur krispi.

Terjemahan kalimat "l like making the snacks since the ingredients and steps simple." adalah "Saya suka membuat cemilan ini karena bahan dan langkahnya sederhana."

Kalimat tersebut menunjukan bahwa penulis suka masak jamur krispi karena bahan dan langkah pembuatannya sederhana.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah "The writer like cooking crispy oyster mushrooms since the ingredients and steps simple."

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Pertanyaan serupa

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Jl. Dr. Saharjo No.161, Manggarai Selatan, Tebet, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12860

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