
Individually, read the text carefully and then answer these questions in 6 minutes.

    Last Friday night, Mrs. Ryan with her four children came to The supermarket. The supermarket manager watched them from the service counter, his hand on his head.
   Mrs. Ryan smiled and pushed her cart up and down the aisles. Kelly, the youngest, sat in the cart and screamed. Mrs. Ryan did not listen. She was at the counter, picking out some chicken. Kelly cried louder and louder. She wanted ice cream.
   Marc helped his mother. He was putting food in the cart when her mother did not look. He added cookies, potato chips, and doughnuts.
   The supermarket manager talked to Tessa. He told her she couldn't eat bananas. He took a bunch of grapes from her, too.
    One of the employees walked toward the manager. She was angry; she pulled a child with her. When he was running, Jeff knocked over five bottles of soda. Another employee mopped the floor.
   Thank goodness, Mrs. Ryan was finished. She walked out of the store, pushed her cart. Her children followed quietly behind her.
   Good-bye, Mrs. Ryan smiled at the manager. We II see you next week.

Why couldn't Tessa eat bananas?

Why couldn't Tessa eat bananas? 

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A. Mulyanto

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni IKIP PGRI Semarang

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jawabannya because the supermarket manager took a bunch of grapes from Tessa.

jawabannya because the supermarket manager took a bunch of grapes from Tessa.


Soal ini berarti "Kenapa Tessa tidak bisa makan pisang?" Dalam teks ini tidak ada kalimat spesifik yang menjelaskan kenapa dia tidak bisa makan pisang. The supermarket manager talked to Tessa. He told her she couldn't eat bananas. He took a bunch of grapes from her, too. Dengan demikian, jawabannya because the supermarket manager took a bunch of grapes from Tessa.

Soal ini berarti "Kenapa Tessa tidak bisa makan pisang?" Dalam teks ini tidak ada kalimat spesifik yang menjelaskan kenapa dia tidak bisa makan pisang. The supermarket manager talked to Tessa. He told her she couldn't eat bananas. He took a bunch of grapes from her, too. 

Dengan demikian, jawabannya because the supermarket manager took a bunch of grapes from Tessa.

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Devina Aulia Syafriani

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