


Anita: I watched 1D concert in Finland by television last night.
Emely: Really? I did not know that it would be happened, if I have known it I would watch it.
Anita: They have made their best performance….
Emely: I will be sure to watch their concert. Last night was a little problem to me.
Anita: It's ok, I have written their concert schedule for the next and I will show you the time.
Emely: Was that your first experience in watching 1D Concert?
Anita: No, I have ever watched the live concert when I was 18. The concert was amazing and it was unforgettable moment for me.
Emely: Really?.... what a nice moment.

Based on the dialogue above, answer the question below! What is the word "it" refers to? (... it was unforgettable moment for me.)

Based on the dialogue above, answer the question below!

What is the word "it" refers to? (... it was unforgettable moment for me.)


A. Mulyanto

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni IKIP PGRI Semarang

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawabannya adalah it refers to the concert.

jawabannya adalah it refers to the concert.



Soal ini menanyakan kata it merujuk pada? Jika dilihat kalimat lengkapnya The concert was amazing and it was unforgettable moment for me. Dari sini bisa dilihat bahwa it merujuk pada the concert. Oleh karena itu, jawabannya adalah it refers to the concert.

Soal ini menanyakan kata it merujuk pada? Jika dilihat kalimat lengkapnya  The concert was amazing and it was unforgettable moment for me. Dari sini bisa dilihat bahwa it merujuk pada the concert.

Oleh karena itu, jawabannya adalah it refers to the concert.

Perdalam pemahamanmu bersama Master Teacher
di sesi Live Teaching, GRATIS!




Pertanyaan serupa

"... they were in a serious ..."(2nd par). The underlined word refers to ____



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