
This text is for questions 12 to 15.

    Hi, Gempita. How are you doing? I hope you are fine. My name is Britney Anderson and I'm seventeen years old. I come from Perth, Australia. I know you from your blog on the Internet, and I would like to be your friend.

    I like reading many kinds of writings, including articles on the Internet. I am interested in reading your books and articles in your blog. The topics in your books and articles are always good and interesting.

    Well, I'm here to participate in the student exchange program and I attend SMA Duta Bangsa, Denpasar. It is a nice school and all the people thereminusthe principal, teachers, staff and schoolmatesminusare very kind and helpful.

Who is Mr. Nyoman?

Who is Mr. Nyoman?

  1. Britney's parents' colleague

  2. The principal of SMA Duta Bangsa

  3. Britney's uncle

  4. A teacher at SMA Duta Bangsa

  5. The owner of the house where Britney is staying

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Brain Academy Champions

Hanya di Brain Academy

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D. Danti

Master Teacher

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tidak ada jawabanbenar pada soal ini.

tidak ada jawaban benar pada soal ini.


Arti kalimat soal yaitu, "Siapa Pak Nyoman?" Dalam teks tidak terdapat informasi apa pun mengenai Pak Nyoman sehingga tidak dapat diketahui siapa itu Pak Nyoman. Jadi, tidak ada jawabanbenar pada soal ini.

Arti kalimat soal yaitu, "Siapa Pak Nyoman?"

Dalam teks tidak terdapat informasi apa pun mengenai Pak Nyoman sehingga tidak dapat diketahui siapa itu Pak Nyoman.

Jadi, tidak ada jawaban benar pada soal ini.

Perdalam pemahamanmu bersama Master Teacher
di sesi Live Teaching, GRATIS!


Pertanyaan serupa

Where the writer flew from?



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