


Text for number 19 - 20

What is a landslide and what causes one?

A landslide is defined as the movement of a mass of rock, debris, or earth down a slope. Landslides are a type of "mass wasting," which denotes any down-slope movement of soil and rock under the direct influence of gravity. The term "landslide" encompasses five modes of slope movement: falls, topples, slides, spreads, and flows. These are further subdivided by the type of geologic material (bedrock, debris, or earth). Debris flows (commonly referred to as mudflows or mudslides) and rock falls are examples of common landslide types.

Almost every landslide has multiple causes. Slope movement occurs when forces acting down-slope (mainly due to gravity) exceed the strength of the earth materials that compose the slope. Causes include factors that increase the effects of down-slope forces and factors that contribute to low or reduced strength. Landslides can be initiated in slopes already on the verge of movement by rainfall, snowmelt, changes in water level, stream erosion, changes in ground water, earthquakes, volcanic activity, disturbance by human activities, or any combination of these factors. Earthquake shaking and other factors can also induce landslides underwater. These landslides are called submarine landslides. Submarine landslides sometimes cause tsunamis that damage coastal areas. 

Which statement is TRUE about landslide?

Which statement is TRUE about landslide?

  1. Rockfalls are not the type of landslide 

  2. Underwater landslide cannot cause tsunami

  3. Landslide is not dangereous for people 

  4. There are five modes of slope movement that included in the term landslide


A. Acfreelance

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepatadalah D.

jawaban yang tepat adalah D.



Soal ini adalah soal tentang Report text (jenis teks laporan yang bertujuan untuk menyampaikan informasil kepada pembaca mengenai hasil penelitian sesuatu). Dalam soal ini, kita diperintahkan untuk menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan teks. Arti dari soal ini adalah "Pernyataan manakah yang BENAR tentang longsor?" Berdasarkan teks pada paragraf 1 kalimat ke 3 telah disebutkan bahwa "The term "landslide" encompasses five modes of slope movement" (Istilah "longsor" mencakup lima mode pergerakan lereng). Maka, jawaban yang benar adalah "There are five modes of slope movement that included in the term landslide" (Ada lima mode pergerakan lereng yang termasuk dalam istilah longsor). Jadi, jawaban yang tepatadalah D.

Soal ini adalah soal tentang Report text (jenis teks laporan yang bertujuan untuk menyampaikan informasil kepada pembaca mengenai hasil penelitian sesuatu). Dalam soal ini, kita diperintahkan untuk menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan teks.

Arti dari soal ini adalah "Pernyataan manakah yang BENAR tentang longsor?"

Berdasarkan teks pada paragraf 1 kalimat ke 3 telah disebutkan bahwa "The term "landslide" encompasses five modes of slope movement" (Istilah "longsor" mencakup lima mode pergerakan lereng). Maka, jawaban yang benar adalah "There are five modes of slope movement that included in the term landslide" (Ada lima mode pergerakan lereng yang termasuk dalam istilah longsor).

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah D.

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Pertanyaan serupa

Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?



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