


The Komodo Dragons Adventure!
4 Days Adventure Package

1 st Day: Welcome to Sumbawa Island!
Our guide will meet you at Sima airport and bring you to the Lambitu Hotel for taking a rest and having meals. After lunch, you will be guided to, visit a small village called Sambori. It is a traditional Bimanese village. You will be able to learn their customs and culture.

2nd Day: Explore Komodo Island
After having breakfast, you are heading to Sape harbour. You wi ll board to Komodo Island with a full-equipped wooden boat for tourists. We will arrive at Komodo Island in the late afternoon since it takes around 6 hours from Sumbawa Island to Komodo Island. Lunch will be served on the boat.

3rd Day: Enjoy Holiday
You will have breakfast at the base. Then we will walk to Banugulung which is about 1 .5 miles away to see the Komodo Dragons. Komodo Dragons are up to 3 m long and about 150 kg weight. There are 3,000 to 5,000 total number of these lizards inhabiting Komodo, Padar, Rinca Island, and Western Flores. After that, you will return to the base and be allowed to swim or snorkel at the beach . The lunch will be served on board. Then you will return to Sape then be driven to Bima.

4th Day: Take a Safe Flight!
Transfer to the airport to depart for Denpasar, Bali.

What is the name of the hotel the tourists will stay at?

What is the name of the hotel the tourists will stay at?

  1. Rinca.

  2. Lambitu.

  3. Sambori.

  4. Banugulung.


N. Puspita

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawabannya adalah B.

jawabannya adalah B.




Arti dari soal ini adalah "Apa nama hotel tempat turis akan menginap?" Berdarsarkan teks telah disebutkan bahwa "Our guide will meet you at Sima airport and bring you to the Lambitu Hotel for taking a rest and having meals" (Pengarah kami akan menemui anda di Bandara Sima dan mengantarkan kamu ke Hotel Lambitu untuk istirahat dan makan.) Maka, dapat kita ketahui bahwa nama hotel tempat turis akan menginap adalah Lambitu. Jadi, jawabannya adalah B.

Arti dari soal ini adalah "Apa nama hotel tempat turis akan menginap?"

Berdarsarkan teks telah disebutkan bahwa "Our guide will meet you at Sima airport and bring you to the Lambitu Hotel for taking a rest and having meals" (Pengarah kami akan menemui anda di Bandara Sima dan mengantarkan kamu ke Hotel Lambitu untuk istirahat dan makan.)

Maka, dapat kita ketahui bahwa nama hotel tempat turis akan menginap adalah Lambitu.

Jadi, jawabannya adalah B.

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Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?



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Jl. Dr. Saharjo No.161, Manggarai Selatan, Tebet, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12860

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