


Read the dialog and answer the question.

Miss Untari: Okay, Class! Let's continue our online discussion today. Are you still with me?

Everyone: Yes, Miss.

Miss Untari: Good! Well, one way to protect yourselves from corona virus is to always bring your hand sanitizer with you wherever you go. Does anyone know what hand sanitizer is?

Eka: I know it, Miss. It is Dettol. I have a big one in my bag.

Miss Untari: That's right, Eka. Dettol is an example of hand sanitizer.

Tia: I like Antis, Miss. It smells good and does not make my skin to be dry.

Nanda: I don't like gel, Miss, it's sticky on my hands. I use the spray one.

Miss Untari: Well, you are right. Some hand sanitizers are in the form of gel, and some others are in the form of liquid. Some smell good and some others are odorless. But basically, they have the same function. Do you know what is it?

Ongki: To make our hands clean and sterile, Miss.

Miss Untari: That's right, Ongki. Hand sanitizer typically contains alcohol, that is used to clean the hands and kill infection-causing microorganisms. But, we use hand sanitizer only if soap is not around. If you stay at home, just like now, it is better for you to wash your hands using hand soap. Now, who wants to know how to make your own hand sanitizer?

Where does the discussion take place?

Where does the discussion take place?

  1. At home.

  2. At school.

  3. In a classroom

  4. In a virtual class.


D. Danti

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah D.

jawaban yang benar adalah D.



Dalam dialog di atas terdapat kalimat " Let's continue our online discussion today ." yang bermakna "Mari lanjutkan diskusi online kita hari ini." Sehingga, dapat kita simpulkan bahwa percakapan tersebut terjadi di kelas virtual atau dilakukan secara daring . Dengan demikian, jawaban yang benar adalah D.

Dalam dialog di atas terdapat kalimat "Let's continue our online discussion today." yang bermakna "Mari lanjutkan diskusi online kita hari ini." 

Sehingga, dapat kita simpulkan bahwa percakapan tersebut terjadi di kelas virtual atau dilakukan secara daring

Dengan demikian, jawaban yang benar adalah D.

Perdalam pemahamanmu bersama Master Teacher
di sesi Live Teaching, GRATIS!




Pertanyaan serupa

Complete the following dialog! Aldi: ____ Bono: I think your intention to build a free amusement park is rather impossible.



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