


Dhyla and Hassan are talking about their plan to have a surprise party for their friend's birthday. Work in group and discuss the bold-typed phrases in the dialogue below. Find out what are these phrases used for. Dhyla: Hey Hassan! What are you thinking so seriously that you do not notice me looking at you for a couple of minutes? Hassan: Oh, nothing much. I am just thinking about giving a surprise for Camelia's birthday. Dhyla: What? When is Amelia's birthday? I can't believe that she did not tell me about this! Hassan: No one tell us about her birthday date, Dhyla. By the way, can you give me a hand with this? Dhyla:What if we take her to the beach and we have a small birthday party for her there? Hassan: It sounds good but setting a birthday party at the beach needs a couple of days while Camelia's birthday is the day after tomorrow. We don't have enough time to set it. Dhyla: That's right. What about having a surprise little party at 12 AM? Hassan: That's exactly what I was thinking. Ok, then. Let's prepare everything for the surprise.

Dhyla and Hassan are talking about their plan to have a surprise party for their friend's birthday.
Work in group and discuss the bold-typed phrases in the dialogue below. Find out what are these phrases used for.

Dhyla: Hey Hassan! What are you thinking so seriously that you do not notice me looking at you for a couple of minutes?

Hassan: Oh, nothing much. I am just thinking about giving a surprise for Camelia's birthday.

Dhyla: What? When is Amelia's birthday? I can't believe that she did not tell me about this!

Hassan: No one tell us about her birthday date, Dhyla. By the way, can you give me
a hand with this?

Dhyla: What if we take her to the beach and we have a small birthday party for her there?

Hassan: It sounds good but setting a birthday party at the beach needs a couple of days while Camelia's birthday is the day after tomorrow. We don't have enough time to set it.

Dhyla: That's right. What about having a surprise little party at 12 AM?

Hassan: That's exactly what I was thinking. Ok, then. Let's prepare everything for the surprise.


D. Danti

Master Teacher

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kegunaan dari tiap frasa tersebut adalah seperti yang telah dijelaskan.

kegunaan dari tiap frasa tersebut adalah seperti yang telah dijelaskan.



Soal tersebut menanyakan apa kegunaan dari frasa-frasa yang dicetak tebal pada dialog tersebut. Pada dialog tersebut, frasa " what if " dan " what about " digunakan untuk menyatakan pendapat . Frasa " it sounds good, but " digunakan untuk menyatakan ketidaksetujuan terhadap suatu hal. Hal ini biasa disampaikan apabila penutur setuju terhadap hal tersebut hanya pada beberapa aspek sehinggasecara keseluruhan penutur tetap tidak setuju terhadap hal tersebut. Frasa " That's right " dan kalimat " That's exactly what I was thinking " digunakan untuk mengungkapkan persetujuan terhadap suatu hal atau opini. Jadi, kegunaan dari tiap frasa tersebut adalah seperti yang telah dijelaskan.

Soal tersebut menanyakan apa kegunaan dari frasa-frasa yang dicetak tebal pada dialog tersebut.

Pada dialog tersebut, frasa "what if" dan "what about" digunakan untuk menyatakan pendapat.

Frasa "it sounds good, but" digunakan untuk menyatakan ketidaksetujuan terhadap suatu hal. Hal ini biasa disampaikan apabila penutur setuju terhadap hal tersebut hanya pada beberapa aspek sehingga secara keseluruhan penutur tetap tidak setuju terhadap hal tersebut.

Frasa "That's right" dan kalimat "That's exactly what I was thinking" digunakan untuk mengungkapkan persetujuan terhadap suatu hal atau opini.

Jadi, kegunaan dari tiap frasa tersebut adalah seperti yang telah dijelaskan.

Perdalam pemahamanmu bersama Master Teacher
di sesi Live Teaching, GRATIS!


Vion Wicaksana

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