


When Vishnudutta returned, his wife told him everything. “I always warnyou not to be greedy," said Vishnudutta to his son. Then he ran towardthe holy snake. With folded hands, he asked for forgiveness and offered milk to the holy snake. The suitable structure of this paragraph is...

When Vishnudutta returned, his wife told him everything. “I always warn you not to be greedy," said Vishnudutta to his son. Then he ran toward the holy snake. With folded hands, he asked for forgiveness and offered milk to the holy snake. 


The suitable structure of this paragraph is...

  1. Complication

  2. Orientation

  3. Resolution

  4. Reorientation

  5. Discussion


N. Supriyaningsih

Master Teacher

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Karena resolusi pada narrative text adalah solusi atau penyelesaian dari suatu masalah atau konfik yang timbul dalam cerita. Dalam Narrative text, setiap permasalahan yang muncul harus ada penyelesaiannya, bisa ditutup dengan akhir yang menyenangkan (happy ending) atau tidak sedikit berakhir tragis, menyedihkan (sad ending).

Karena resolusi pada narrative text adalah solusi atau penyelesaian dari suatu masalah atau konfik yang timbul dalam cerita. Dalam Narrative text, setiap permasalahan yang muncul harus ada penyelesaiannya, bisa ditutup dengan akhir yang menyenangkan (happy ending) atau tidak sedikit berakhir tragis, menyedihkan (sad ending).

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Pertanyaan serupa

Long ago, in a small village lived Vishnudutta, a poor Brahmin farmer. He worked hard but was not able to earn much. His son, Somaduttaalways askedfor more money. “Be satisfied with what you have, my ...



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