


One day, Vishnudutta was resting in his field after work. Suddenly, he noticed a snake on the nearby mount. On seeing Vishnudutta, the snake coiled and sat up with a raised hood. “It looks so calm and peaceful. Maybe it is a deity," thought Vishnudutta. He brought a bowl of milk from his house and offered it to the snake. The synonym of the underlined word is ...

One day, Vishnudutta was resting in his field after work. Suddenly, he noticed a snake on the nearby mount. On seeing Vishnudutta, the snake coiled and sat up with a raised hood. “It looks so calm and peaceful. Maybe it is a deity," thought Vishnudutta. He brought a bowl of milk from his house and offered it to the snake. 

The synonym of the underlined word is ...

  1. made a circle

  2. laid restfully

  3. froze

  4. relaxed

  5. stretched


N. Supriyaningsih

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi



Jawaban yang tepat adalah A karena gerankan yang dapat dilakukan oleh seekor ular adalah melingkar, bukan merebahkan diri(B), menjadi kaku (C), melemas (D), atau meregang (E).

Jawaban yang tepat adalah A karena gerankan yang dapat dilakukan oleh seekor ular adalah melingkar, bukan merebahkan diri (B), menjadi kaku (C), melemas (D), atau meregang (E).

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Pertanyaan serupa

When Vishnudutta returned, his wife told him everything. “I always warnyou not to be greedy," said Vishnudutta to his son. Then he ran towardthe holy snake. With folded hands, he asked for forgiveness...



Jawaban terverifikasi


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