


    Early one morning, Umar was walking to the bus stop to catch a bus to school. A loud, screeching noise suddenly pierced the air. Umar realized that there had been an accident. A small boy was lying unconscious on the road, and the car that had hit him had already run away.
    Umar was confused and frightened. “is the boy dead?” Umar asked himself. However, the boy was still breathing. Umar could see that the boy had bruises all over his face and arms. Umar did not know what to do. Few cars passed along this road at this time of the day. The nearest house which he could go to for help was his own, but it would take ten minutes to walk there. Umar finally decided to stay with the boy until somebody came by. Time passed very slowly – so it seemed to Umar. The boy was still unconscious, and Umar prayed for the boy to regain consciousness.
     Umar sprang to his feet at the sound of an approaching car. He waved frantically at the driver to stop. Umar asked the driver,” You will help this boy, won’t you, Sir?” The driver was kind. He carried the injured boy to the car. Umar went with them to the hospital. Later, the driver took Umar to the police station to report the accident.
    Umar had a lot to tell his friends that day at school. All his friends thought Umar was a very brave boy.” it was an unforgettable incident, wasn’t it?” They asked him. “Yes, it was, “Umar replied.” it was a terrifying experience, though!”

4. “Time passed very slowly…." (paragraph 4). This part of the text is called ____.

4. “Time passed very slowly …." (paragraph 4).

This part of the text is called ____.

  1. description

  2. event

  3. reorentation

  4. resolution

  5. orientation


A. Acfreelance

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah B.

jawaban yang tepat adalah B.



Terjemahan dalam soal adalah: "bagian yang ditunjuk dalam soal tersebut adalah bagian dari ____" Teks jenis " recount text " memiliki struktur, yaitu: " orientation ", yang berisi latar belakanginformasi tentang siapa, di mana, kapan kejadian atau peristiwa terjadi " events ", yang berisiserangkaian peristiwa yang terjadi sesuai urutan kronologis. " re-orientation ", yang berisipenutup atau kesimpulan cerita. Sehingga, bagian“ Time passed very slowly…. " yang ditunjuk pada soal tersebut merupakan bagian dari serangkaian peristiwa dalam cerita di teks tersebut. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah B.

Terjemahan dalam soal adalah: "bagian yang ditunjuk dalam soal tersebut adalah bagian dari ____"

Teks jenis "recount text" memiliki struktur, yaitu:

"orientation", yang berisi latar belakang informasi tentang siapa, di mana, kapan kejadian atau peristiwa terjadi

"events", yang berisi serangkaian peristiwa yang terjadi sesuai urutan kronologis.

"re-orientation", yang berisi penutup atau kesimpulan cerita.

Sehingga, bagian “Time passed very slowly …." yang ditunjuk pada soal tersebut merupakan bagian dari serangkaian peristiwa dalam cerita di teks tersebut.

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah B.

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Pertanyaan serupa

Dr. Mohammad Hatta was born in Bukittinggi, West Sumatera, Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia). He was Indonesia’s first Vice President, later also served as the country’s prime minister. Known as the ‘...



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