Ekspresi yang digunakan adalah expression of complimenting atau "ekspresi memuji". Jawaban bisa beragam, berikut adalah alternatif yang bisa digunakan:
1. "Your sister becomes the first rank in her class." (Saudara perempuanmu menjadi peringkat pertama di kelasnya.)
"You are very smart! I am proud of you." ("Kamu sangat pintar! Aku bangga padamu.")
2. "Your best friend makes beautiful dress." (Sahabatmu membuat gaun yang indah.")
"What a beautiful dress! You are very talented." (Gaun yang indah! Kamu sangat berbakat.")
3. "Your mother cooks delicious cake." ("Ibumu memasak kue yang enak.")
"The cake is delicious! You are the best chef in the world, Mom." ("Kuenya enak! Kau adalah koki terbaik di dunia, Bu.")
4. "Your brother won photography contest." ("Saudara laki-lakimu memenangkan kontes fotografi.")
"I saw the photo that you took. It was amazing! You deserved to win." ("Saya melihat foto yang kamu ambil. Luar biasa! Anda pantas menang.")
5. "Your neighbor is accepted at University of Indonesia." (Tetanggamu diterima di Universitas Indonesia.)
"Congratulation! You are one of the genius students who is accepted at University of Indonesia." ("Selamat! Kamu adalah salah satu mahasiswa jenius yang diterima di Universitas Indonesia.”)
Jadi, jawaban yang mungkin adalah
1. "You are very smart! I am proud of you."
2. "What a beautiful dress! You are very talented."
3. "The cake is delicious! You are the best chef in the world, mom."
4. "I saw the photo that you took. It was amazing! You deserved to win."
5. "Congratulation! You are one of the genius students who is accepted at University of Indonesia."