Contoh Jawaban yang benar untuk soal ini adalah:
1. "I am sure you will be the best football player because you play very well."
2. "Your voice is great. Uncle John, I am sure you will be the number one."
3. "Good luck! I am sure you will pass the test with your genius brain."
4. "Dad, your badminton skill is great. You are unbeatable."
5. "You still look young even though you are turning 50. Happy birthday, Mrs. Ani!"
Ungkapan yang digunakan adalah expression of compliment atau "ungkapan pujian" dan expression of hope atau "ungkapan harapan". Jawaban bisa beragam, berikut adalah alternatif yang bisa digunakan:
1. "Your friend wants to be football player." ("Temanmu ingin menjadi pemain sepak bola.")
"I am sure you will be the best football player because you play very well." ("Aku yakin kamu akan menjadi pemain sepak bola terbaik karena kamu bermain dengan sangat baik.")
2. "Your uncle will join singing competition." ("Pamanmu akan mengikuti kompetisi menyanyi.")
"Your voice is great, Uncle John. I am sure you will be number one." ("Suaramu bagus, Paman John. aku yakin kau akan menjadi nomor satu.")
3. "Your little brother will have English examination." ("Adik laki-lakimu akan ada ujian bahasa Inggris.")
"Good luck! I am sure you will pass the test with your genius brain." (Semoga berhasil! Aku yakin kamu akan lulus ujian dengan otak jeniusmu.")
4. "Your father will participate at badminton championship." ("Ayahmu akan berpartisipasi pada kejuaraan bulu tangkis.")
"Dad, your badminton skill is great. You are unbeatable." ("Ayah, kemampuan bulu tangkismu hebat. Kau tidak terkalahkan.”)
5. "Your English teacher is turning 50." ("Guru bahasa Inggrismu akan berusia 50.")
"You still look young even though you are turning 50. Happy birthday, Mrs. Ani!" ("Anda masih terlihat muda walaupun Anda akan berusia 50. Selamat ulang tahun, Bu Ani!")
Jadi, jawaban yang mungkin adalah:
1. "I am sure you will be the best football player because you play very well."
2. "Your voice is great. Uncle John, I am sure you will be the number one."
3. "Good luck! I am sure you will pass the test with your genius brain."
4. "Dad, your badminton skill is great. You are unbeatable."
5. "You still look young even though you are turning 50. Happy birthday, Mrs. Ani!"