


    A fox fell into a well and couldn't get out. By and by a thirsty goat came along. Seeing the fox in the well it asked if the water was good. "Good", said the fox. "It's the best water I've tasted in all my life. Come down and try it yourself." The goat thought of nothing but how thirsty he was. So he jumped into the well. When he had drunk enough he looked around but there was no way to get out. Then the fox said, "I have a good idea.

    You stand on your hind legs and put your forelegs against the side of the well. Then I'll climb on your back, from there I'll step on your horns, and I can get out. And when I'm out I'll help you out of the well." The goat did as he was asked and the fox got on his back and so out of the well. Then he coolly walked away. The goat called out loudly after him out. The fox merely turned to him and said, "If you only has as much sense in your head as you have hairs in your beard you wouldn't have jumped into the well without making sure that you could get out again.

What kind of narrative text is this?

What kind of narrative text is this?


N. Puspita

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah " Thisis a fable or fairytale ".

jawaban yang benar adalah "This is a fable or fairytale".




Soal menanyakan jenis narrative text apakah wacana tersebut. Dalam teks terdapat dua karakter hewan, yaitu a fox (seekor rubah) dan a goat (seekor kambing) sehingga Narrative Text tersebut merupakan cerita fabel atau fairytale. Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah " Thisis a fable or fairytale ".

Soal menanyakan jenis narrative text apakah wacana tersebut.

Dalam teks terdapat dua karakter hewan, yaitu a fox (seekor rubah) dan a goat (seekor kambing) sehingga Narrative Text tersebut merupakan cerita fabel atau fairytale.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah "This is a fable or fairytale".

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Jawaban terverifikasi


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