
Read the text and answer the following questions!

    I have a stray cat as my pet.

    He is really playful. He loves to play with me and the new things he finds. He has orange and white fur. His fur is so soft and I like to rubs it for him. He has a long tail. He likes to play with it. He always tries to catch his tail sometimes. I also like to hold him in my hand, when I hold him like that he will fall asleep.

What is the writer's cat's fur?

What is the writer's cat's fur?

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F. Aulia

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Indonesia

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah " The color of the writer's cat's fur is orange and white ."

jawaban yang benar adalah "The color of the writer's cat's fur is orange and white."


Jawaban pertanyaan tersebut dapat ditemukan di kalimat ketiga paragraf kedua yang berbunyi " He has orange and white fur ." Apabila diterjemahkan, kalimat tersebut berbunyi "Dia memiliki bulu berwarna jingga dan putih." Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah " The color of the writer's cat's fur is orange and white ."

Jawaban pertanyaan tersebut dapat ditemukan di kalimat ketiga paragraf kedua yang berbunyi "He has orange and white fur." Apabila diterjemahkan, kalimat tersebut berbunyi "Dia memiliki bulu berwarna jingga dan putih."

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah "The color of the writer's cat's fur is orange and white."

Perdalam pemahamanmu bersama Master Teacher
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