


Choose the correct answers. Questions 16-20 Nala Cat is probably the most famous cat inthe world. It has more than three million followers on Instagram. Nala is a cute cat. It is seven years old now. It has big grey eyes. Nala has fluffy and soft fur. She's so popular that you can buy a T-shirt or a phone case of her face. Nala becomes the model of several products, such as bow ties and hats. Why is Nala so popular?

Choose the correct answers.

Questions 16-20

Nala Cat is probably the most famous cat in the world. It has more than three million followers on Instagram. Nala is a cute cat. It is seven years old now. It has big grey eyes. Nala has fluffy and soft fur. She's so popular that you can buy a T-shirt or a phone case of her face. Nala becomes the model of several products, such as bow ties and hats.

Why is Nala so popular?

  1. It is a rare cat.undefined

  2. It has more than four legs.undefined

  3. It follows a lot of activities.undefined

  4. It has more than three million followers on Instagram.undefined


A. Lee

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepatadalah D.

jawaban yang tepat adalah D.undefined




Dalam teks, terdapat kalimat " Nala Cat is probably the most famous cat inthe world. It has more than three million followers on Instagram " dimanasesuai dengan soal yang menanyakan alasan Nala sangat populer. Alasannya adalah, karena Nala memiliki tiga juta pengikut pada akun Instagramnya. Jadi, jawaban yang tepatadalah D.

Dalam teks, terdapat kalimat "Nala Cat is probably the most famous cat in the world. It has more than three million followers on Instagram" dimana sesuai dengan soal yang menanyakan alasan Nala sangat populer. Alasannya adalah, karena Nala memiliki tiga juta pengikut pada akun Instagramnya. 

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah D.undefined

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