

The following text is for questions 18 to 20.


    Tikal is a city and ceremonial center of the ancient Maya civilization. The largest urban center in the southern Maya lowlands, it stood 30 km north of Lake Peten ltza in what is now the northern part of the region of Peten, Guatemala, in a tropical rainforest.

    The main structures of Tikal cover approximately 2.5 square km. Surveys in a larger area, encompassing at least 1 5.5 square km, havemrevealed outl ing smaller structmes that were residences. These, however, were not arranged in streets or in close-packed formation, but were rather widely sepatated. It is estimated that Tikal had a population of about 10,000 people, but that the center drew upon an outlying population of approximately 50,000.

    The site's major structures include five pyramidal temples and three large complexes, often called acropoles; these presamably were temples and palaces for the upper class. One such complex is composed of numerous buildings beneath which have been found richly prepared burial chambers. Pyramid I is topped by the Temple of the Jaguar and rises to 45 meters. Just west of Pyramid I and facing it is Pyramid II, standing 42 meters above the jungle floor and supporting the Temple of the Masks. Pyramid III is 55 meters high. Near the Plaza of the Seven Temples stands Pyramid V (57 meters). The highest of the Tikal monuments is Pyramid IV 65 meters, which is the westernmost of the major ruins and also the site of the Temple of tlie Two-Headed Serpent. Pyramid IV is one of the tallest preColumbian structures in the Western Hemisphere.

(Adopted from: https://www.britannica.com/place/Tikal (October.22, 2018))

What isthe weather in Tikal probably like?

What is the weather in Tikal probably like? 

  1. Cold. 

  2. Breezy. 

  3. Humid. 

  4. Arid. 

  5. Snowy. 

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N. Puspita

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah C.

jawaban yang tepat adalah C.



Soal ini menanyakan kemungkinan Seperti apa cuaca di Tikal. Dalam teks, penulis menjelaskan bahwa Tikal berlokasi dibagian utara wilayah Peten, Guatemala, di hutan hujan tropis. (the largest urban center in the southern Maya lowlands, it stood 30 km north of Lake Peten ltza in what is now the northern part of the region of Peten, Guatemala, in a tropical rainforest.) Ciri khas dari hutan hujan tropis adalah tingkat kelembaban yang tinggi ( humidity ). Maka, cuaca di Tikal kemungkinan adalah lembab ( humid ) Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah C.

Soal ini menanyakan kemungkinan Seperti apa cuaca di Tikal.

Dalam teks, penulis menjelaskan bahwa Tikal berlokasi di bagian utara wilayah Peten, Guatemala, di hutan hujan tropis. (the largest urban center in the southern Maya lowlands, it stood 30 km north of Lake Peten ltza in what is now the northern part of the region of Peten, Guatemala, in a tropical rainforest.)

Ciri khas dari hutan hujan tropis adalah tingkat kelembaban yang tinggi (humidity). Maka, cuaca di Tikal kemungkinan adalah lembab (humid)

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah C.

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