

    In today's economy vocational jobs are becoming more and more important This is why vocational education programs are popular. Vocational education training provides career and technical education to interested students. These students are prepared as trainees for jobs; jobs that are based upon manual or practical fields or jobs that are related to specific trades, occupations, and vocations.

    lnstructors teach students the knowledge required for their field. Community colleges have long been offering vocational education. These colleges around the country provide certificates in various vocational fields. They also offer certain degree programs that focus on some popular occupations. The vocational field expands each year to include new fields.

    The training for vocational jobs requires less education than four year degree programs. They are also much less expensive. Instructors at this level of education use traditional methods of teaching. They use lesson plans, teacher resources, worksheets, an other tools in this process. One difference to other education programs is the on-the-job training component Many students will have the opportunity to work in their field while being educated. Some will be accepted Into valuable apprenticeship programs. Some of the jobs in vocational fields include construction workers, blacksmiths, and steel workers. Today, there are other great choices of vocational jobs. These include retail, tourism, and cosmetology. Also, there are some portions of the information technology field taught. This allows students to decide from a variety of career choices.

    The retail field is one of those growing career opportunities. Workers can start as trainees and then reach management position. Most retail companies have their own training programs for specific jobs. These make retail even more welcoming to new employees. Tourism is also a great field to consider in the vocational field. This area includes planning trips to being a tour guide.

(Adapted from: http://www.teachnology.com/teachers/vocational_ed/)

What is the topic of the passage? (SOAL SBMPTN 2017)

What is the topic of the passage?


  1. Jobs based upon manual or practical fields.

  2. Increased opportunities for vocational career.

  3. Vocational education for vocational jobs.

  4. Variety of choices of vocational jobs.

  5. Training programs for vocational jobs.

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B. Atlaliust

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Negeri Medan

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah C.

jawaban yang benar adalah C.


Jawaban yang benar dari soal ini adalah C. Soal ini menanyakan apa topik dariteks tersebut. Pada teks tersebut, penulis menjelaskan pendidkan kejuruan untuk mencapai profesi kejuruan . Pada teks tersebut, penulis memaparkan bidang-bidang profesi kejuruan yang dapat menjadi tempat kerja lulusan pendidikan kejuruan serta sistem pembelajaran pada institusi yang melaksanakan pendidikan kejuruan. Penulis juga menjelaskan beberapa bidang pekerjaan kejuruan yang cukup menjanjikan. Oleh karena itu, topik dari teks ini adalah "pendidikan kejuruan untuk profesi kejuruan." Dengan demikian, jawaban yang benar adalah " Vocational education for vocational jobs " . Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah C.

Jawaban yang benar dari soal ini adalah C.

Soal ini menanyakan apa topik dari teks tersebut.

Pada teks tersebut, penulis menjelaskan pendidkan kejuruan untuk mencapai profesi kejuruan. Pada teks tersebut, penulis memaparkan bidang-bidang profesi kejuruan yang dapat menjadi tempat kerja lulusan pendidikan kejuruan serta sistem pembelajaran pada institusi yang melaksanakan pendidikan kejuruan. Penulis juga menjelaskan beberapa bidang pekerjaan kejuruan yang cukup menjanjikan.

Oleh karena itu, topik dari teks ini adalah "pendidikan kejuruan untuk profesi kejuruan."

Dengan demikian, jawaban yang benar adalah "Vocational education for vocational jobs".

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah C.

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Pertanyaan serupa

How does the author organize the ideas?



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