


The following text is for question 76- 78

Text 1

    High school students may improve their science grades by learning about the personal struggles and failed experiments of great scientist such as Albert Einstein and Marie Curie.

    In one study, 402 students from New York City high schools in low-income areas of the Bronx and Harlem were divided into three groups. The control group read an 800-word typical science and textbook description about the great accomplishments of Einstein, Curie and Michael Faraday.

  Another group read about those scientists' personal struggles, including Einstein's flight from Nazi Germany to avoid persecution as a Jew. The third group of students read about the scientists' intellectual struggles, such as Curie's persistence despite a string of failed experiments. The struggle stories included actions the scientist took to overcome these hurdles.

   Students who read about the scientist' intellectual or personal struggles were more likely to say the famous scientist were people, li ke themselves, who had to overcome failure and obstacles to succeed. Students in the control group more often believed the great scientist had innate talent and a special aptitude for science.

    The study suggests that science textbooks should highlight the struggles of great scientists and provide more vivid narrative descriptions of the techniques that scientists used to overcome challenges. "Many kids do not see science as part of their everyday lives. We teach them important content, but we never bring it to life;' sa id the lead researcher Xiaodong Lin-Siegler. PhD. "Our science curriculum is impersonal, and kids have a hard time relating to it because they just see a long list of fact that they have to memorize."

Adapted from:http://www.tc.columbia.edu/articles/2016/february/learning-about-struggles-of-famous-scientists-may-help-students-succeed-in-scie/)

What is the topic of the passage?

What is the topic of the passage?

  1. A study on science grades.

  2. A study on high school students.

  3. A study on high school students' science grades.

  4. A study on the personal struggles of great scientists.

  5. A study on Albert Einstein and Marie Curie.


N. Puspita

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah C.

jawaban yang benar adalah C.




Soal menanyakan tentang topik dari teks. Ada beberapa cara dalam menentukan topik suatu teks. Salah satunya dan termasuk cara paling sederhana adalah dengan cukup membaca paragraf pertama. Cuplikan kalimat pertama pada teks adalah "High school students may improve their science grades by ..." yang artinya "Siswa SMA dapat meningkatkan nilai IPA mereka dengan ...". Perhatikan bahwa terdapat dua variable pada cuplikan kalimat tersebut, yakni siswa SMA dan nilai IPA mereka. Artinya, topik bacaan ini adalah tentang studi atau penelitian terkait nilai IPA siswa SMA. Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah C.

Soal menanyakan tentang topik dari teks.

Ada beberapa cara dalam menentukan topik suatu teks. Salah satunya dan termasuk cara paling sederhana adalah dengan cukup membaca paragraf pertama.

Cuplikan kalimat pertama pada teks adalah "High school students may improve their science grades by ..." yang artinya "Siswa SMA dapat meningkatkan nilai IPA mereka dengan ...".

Perhatikan bahwa terdapat dua variable pada cuplikan kalimat tersebut, yakni siswa SMA dan nilai IPA mereka. Artinya, topik bacaan ini adalah tentang studi atau penelitian terkait nilai IPA siswa SMA.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah C.

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