


The following text is for questions 16 to 18.

    The Samurai Museum in Kabukicho, Shiiljuku is a fairly recent museum that has quickly become very popular among foreign visitors (despite the relatively high entrance fee). 

    This museum has two floors. Visitors are given a tour of the exhibits by enthusiastic English speaking guides who at first demonstrates a number of samurai sword moves. The detailed explanation includes information on the weapons on display and what was happening in Japanese history at the time of the rise of the samurai including the Mongol invasion of Kyushu in the 13th century.

    Most of the suits of armor on display are not antique pieces, however, but more recent reproductions. As well as the swords, there are also guns on display. Guns were first introduced by the Portuguese and other Europeans and were soon being copied and produced in Japan. Their use on the battlefield was to chance the dynamic of samurai conflict in such battles as Sekigahata in 1600, which led to the establishment of the Tolillgawa shogunate after the victory of Ieyasu.

    Overall, the Samurai Museum is more of a fun activity for young people and parents with kids than serious scholars of samurai culture and history.

(Adopted from: https:llwww.japanvisitor.com/japan·museums/samurai
(September 29, 2018))

What is the text about?

What is the text about? 


T. Tuawapat

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi



Dalam soal ini ditanyakan apa yang dibicarakan di dalam teks. ( What is the text about? ) Teks di atas merupakan contoh dari descriptive text yang menggambarkanThe Samurai Museum diKabukicho. Penulis menjelaskan kegiatan yang dapat dilakukan di Museum juga koleksi barang-barang antik koleksi museum. Jawaban yang tepat untuk soal di atas adalah D. historical building

Dalam soal ini ditanyakan apa yang dibicarakan di dalam teks. (What is the text about?)

Teks di atas merupakan contoh dari descriptive text yang menggambarkan The Samurai Museum di Kabukicho. Penulis menjelaskan kegiatan yang dapat dilakukan di Museum juga koleksi barang-barang antik koleksi museum. 

Jawaban yang tepat untuk soal di atas adalah D. historical building 

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